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Portrait Paintings on Paper

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Painting "Lost Voice: Watercolor Collage" by painter Julia Shilo mixed method paper at Jose Art Gallery
30×42 cm, mixed method/paper
Julia Shilo
Painting "Silent Harmony: Sheet Music Art" by painter Julia Shilo mixed method paper at Jose Art Gallery
30×42 cm, mixed method/paper
Julia Shilo
Painting "Floral Tranquility" by painter Ovwede Efe Art acrylic paper at Jose Art Gallery
42×59.4 cm, acrylic/paper
Ovwede Efe Art
Painting "View" by painter Anastasiya Pustovoytenko watercolor paper at Jose Art Gallery
40×30 cm, watercolor/paper
Anastasiya Pustovoytenko
Painting "Mother and Muse" by painter A.fe ink paper at Jose Art Gallery
30×42 cm, ink/paper
Painting "Girl" by painter Liudmyla Riabkova watercolor paper at Jose Art Gallery
29.5×20.5 cm, watercolor/paper
Liudmyla Riabkova
Painting "House by the sea" by painter Konstantin Gallari oil paper at Jose Art Gallery
50×65 cm, oil/paper
Konstantin Gallari
Painting "Ukrainian woman" by painter Katerina Romanyuk gouache paper at Jose Art Gallery
30×40 cm, gouache/paper
Katerina Romanyuk
Painting "Earthquake" by painter Katerina Anchugova watercolor paper at Jose Art Gallery
45×61 cm, watercolor/paper
Katerina Anchugova
Painting "Tiffany" by painter Marina Bura watercolor paper at Jose Art Gallery
58×83 cm, watercolor/paper
Marina Bura
Painting "Winter portrait" by painter Vera Minina watercolor paper at Jose Art Gallery
35×45 cm, watercolor/paper
Vera Minina
Painting "Lost Embrace Portrait 2024" by painter Viktoriya Rumynina watercolor paper at Jose Art Gallery
30×40 cm, watercolor/paper
Viktoriya Rumynina
Painting "Cold affair" by painter Yakubu Kareem mixed method paper at Jose Art Gallery
20.5×29 cm, mixed method/paper
Yakubu Kareem
Painting "SUN DANCE" by painter Selena Sashina watercolor paper at Jose Art Gallery
20×30 cm, watercolor/paper
Selena Sashina
Painting "The Night Face" by painter Ewa Dura mixed method paper at Jose Art Gallery
21×29.7 cm, mixed method/paper
Ewa Dura
Painting "Zebra Woman" by painter Danguole Serstinskaja oil paper at Jose Art Gallery
50×65 cm, oil/paper
Danguole Serstinskaja
Painting "Greed" by painter Konstantin Gallari oil paper at Jose Art Gallery
50×65 cm, oil/paper
Konstantin Gallari
Painting "My watercolors Indian" by painter Natali Diduh watercolor paper at Jose Art Gallery
30×40 cm, watercolor/paper
Natali Diduh
Painting "My watercolorsUnbowed" by painter Natali Diduh watercolor paper at Jose Art Gallery
30×40 cm, watercolor/paper
Natali Diduh
Painting "My watercolor" by painter Natali Diduh watercolor paper at Jose Art Gallery
36×48 cm, watercolor/paper
Natali Diduh
Painting "My watercolor" by painter Natali Diduh watercolor paper at Jose Art Gallery
36×42 cm, watercolor/paper
Natali Diduh
Painting "Ira, portrait" by painter Viktor Zakharchenko watercolor paper at Jose Art Gallery
38×56 cm, watercolor/paper
Viktor Zakharchenko
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