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Marine Art Oil Paintings

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Painting "Sunny weather by the sea" by painter Tabimory oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
35×35 cm, oil/canvas
Painting "Conflicting feelings" by painter Olha Rusynchuk oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
120×120 cm, oil/canvas
Olha Rusynchuk
Painting "3D Coastal Serenity" by painter Oksana Shevchenko oil wood at Jose Art Gallery
20.3×20.3 cm, oil/wood
Oksana Shevchenko
Painting "WAVES OF FREEDOM" by painter Daria Dudochnykova oil wood at Jose Art Gallery
80×60 cm, oil/wood
Daria Dudochnykova
Painting "Piranhas" by painter TOMAS CASTANO oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
60×60 cm, oil/canvas
Painting "Turkish sea" by painter Olha Rusynchuk oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
70×60 cm, oil/canvas
Olha Rusynchuk
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Painting "'Early Birds" by painter Vytoria Godiemski oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
60×70 cm, oil/canvas
Vytoria Godiemski
Painting "Sands of Time: Sea's Whisper" by painter KOlha oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
50×70 cm, oil/canvas
Painting "Morning sun on the sea" by painter KOlha oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
70×50 cm, oil/canvas
Painting "Tide" by painter Liubina oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
100×80 cm, oil/canvas
Painting "Run through the waves" by painter Liubov Kuptsova oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
70×50 cm, oil/canvas
Liubov Kuptsova
Painting "Emerald Wave: Surfing Dreams" by painter ArKo oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
40×40 cm, oil/canvas
Painting "Fish" by painter Zakir Ahmedov oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
160×70 cm, oil/canvas
Zakir Ahmedov
Painting "Storm and music" by painter NINA LITVIN oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
60×50 cm, oil/canvas
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Painting "Swimmer" by painter Daria Dudochnykova oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
70×70 cm, oil/canvas
Daria Dudochnykova
Painting "DIVE" by painter Daria Dudochnykova oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
60×60 cm, oil/canvas
Daria Dudochnykova
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Painting "To the sun" by painter Mantas Naulickas oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
80×80 cm, oil/canvas
Mantas Naulickas
Painting "Sunset: dancing clouds" by painter Eva Lazaryan oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
60×50 cm, oil/canvas
Eva Lazaryan
Painting "Magical blue" by painter Yulianna Tulinova oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
50×50 cm, oil/canvas
Yulianna Tulinova
Painting "Fishing trip" by painter Veronika Koval oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
60×450 cm, oil/canvas
Veronika Koval
Painting "The sea." by painter Zakir Ahmedov oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
90×70 cm, oil/canvas
Zakir Ahmedov
Painting "SEA OF ​​LOVE" by painter Mariia Zasidkovych oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
90×70 cm, oil/canvas
Mariia Zasidkovych
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Painting "Ocean Evening" by painter Olena Denysko oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
60×60 cm, oil/canvas
Olena Denysko
Painting "Light show" by painter Daria Dudochnykova oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
60×60 cm, oil/canvas
Daria Dudochnykova
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