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Impressionism Oil Paintings

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Painting "Aroma in color" by painter Olena Rudnieva oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
100×100 cm, oil/canvas
Olena Rudnieva
Painting "Company of parrots" by painter Liubov Kuptsova oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
60×40 cm, oil/canvas
Liubov Kuptsova
Painting "Waves of thought" by painter Olena Rudnieva oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
150×100 cm, oil/canvas
Olena Rudnieva
Painting "Hope" by painter Liubov Kuptsova oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
80×60 cm, oil/canvas
Liubov Kuptsova
Painting "Blooming balcony" by painter Olha Darchuk oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
60×50 cm, oil/canvas
Olha Darchuk
Painting "On Mount Trostyan" by painter Vasil Nikitin oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
50×40 cm, oil/canvas
Vasil Nikitin
Painting "Beside the Railway-2" by painter Ivan Kolisnyk oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
45×60 cm, oil/canvas
Ivan Kolisnyk
Painting "Bank Of The River" by painter Mher Gevorgyan oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
50×40 cm, oil/canvas
Mher Gevorgyan
Best Painting of the Week | Icon
Painting "Wine Elegance" by painter Dora Kalinova oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
65×54 cm, oil/canvas
Dora Kalinova
Painting "Chinatown 1930s" by painter TOMAS CASTANO oil paper at Jose Art Gallery
38×24 cm, oil/paper
Best Painting of the Month | Icon
Painting "Flowers fantasy" by painter Liubov Kuptsova oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
40×40 cm, oil/canvas
Liubov Kuptsova
Painting "Morning sun on the sea" by painter KOlha oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
70×50 cm, oil/canvas
Painting "Tango for lovers" by painter Serj Doche oil fabric at Jose Art Gallery
60×90 cm, oil/fabric
Serj Doche
Painting "Run through the waves" by painter Liubov Kuptsova oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
70×50 cm, oil/canvas
Liubov Kuptsova
Painting "Ukrainian beauty" by painter Liubov Kuptsova oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
70×90 cm, oil/canvas
Liubov Kuptsova
Painting "Fairytale forest" by painter Olha Darchuk oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
100×70 cm, oil/canvas
Olha Darchuk
Painting "Tenderness of nature" by painter Olha Darchuk oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
80×60 cm, oil/canvas
Olha Darchuk
Painting "Gesture n°1" by painter Oddonkey oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
40×50 cm, oil/canvas
Painting "Sunset: dancing clouds" by painter Eva Lazaryan oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
60×50 cm, oil/canvas
Eva Lazaryan
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25 Results Per Page