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Historical Paintings for Sale

Selling historical paintings is one of the main goals of the best galleries. Sometimes we wonder why are paintings important. They help to express our inner world, and worldview, as well as decorate the interior. If you are a connoisseur of beauty, then you probably like deep stories with meaning. This is exactly what the best historical works of art are. If you want to buy historic paintings online or to sell historical paintings, welcome to José Art Gallery.

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Painting "Red and Yellow Dreams" by painter Hripsime Asatryan acrylic canvas at Jose Art Gallery
2×40 cm, acrylic/canvas
Hripsime Asatryan
Painting "History repeats itself" by painter Olha Rusynchuk oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
70×90 cm, oil/canvas
Olha Rusynchuk
Painting "My hometown known by a flower" by painter Ilham oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
150×110 cm, oil/canvas
Painting "ANTIQUE IMPROVISATION (2014)" by painter Dobrodiy Alexandr watercolor paper at Jose Art Gallery
69×49 cm, watercolor/paper
Dobrodiy Alexandr
Painting "Surreals shapes colors" by painter Kathy oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
76×102 cm, oil/canvas
Painting "World Wonder Stonehenge" by painter Boris Subotic oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
80×60 cm, oil/canvas
Boris Subotic
Painting "Sacrifice of Isaac" by painter Alexandr Rezanov oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
120×80 cm, oil/canvas
Alexandr Rezanov
Best Painting of the Month | Icon
Painting "Via Appia" by painter Andrey Goncharov oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
100×80 cm, oil/canvas
Andrey Goncharov
Painting "Angels of Ukraine" by painter Yelyzaveta Kushnirova acrylic canvas at Jose Art Gallery
35×25 cm, acrylic/canvas
Yelyzaveta Kushnirova
Best Painting of the Week | Icon
Painting "Ukrainian strength, power, beauty" by painter Hanna Art acrylic canvas at Jose Art Gallery
40×40 cm, acrylic/canvas
Hanna Art
Best Painting of the Month | Icon
Painting "Unbreakable" by painter Lyubov Ogorodnik mixed method canvas at Jose Art Gallery
40×50 cm, mixed method/canvas
Lyubov Ogorodnik
Painting "Mother Ukraine" by painter Viktor Babak acrylic canvas at Jose Art Gallery
70×90 cm, acrylic/canvas
Viktor Babak
Painting "Rome Lights" by painter Viktoriia Balandina acrylic canvas at Jose Art Gallery
54×65 cm, acrylic/canvas
Viktoriia Balandina
Painting "The Great Pyramids" by painter Boris Subotic oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
100×100 cm, oil/canvas
Boris Subotic
Painting "Easter Island" by painter Boris Subotic oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
120×80 cm, oil/canvas
Boris Subotic
Painting "Duality" by painter NHN acrylic canvas at Jose Art Gallery
100×70 cm, acrylic/canvas
Painting "Aquamaids" by painter Vytoria Godiemski acrylic canvas at Jose Art Gallery
40×60 cm, acrylic/canvas
Vytoria Godiemski
Painting "When the lute sounded" by painter Vladimir Ivanov oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
90×80 cm, oil/canvas
Vladimir Ivanov
Painting "Paleolithic Venuses" by painter Noumenona mixed method wood at Jose Art Gallery
33×43 cm, mixed method/wood
Painting "Man and horse" by painter Vladimir Ivanov oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
80×60 cm, oil/canvas
Vladimir Ivanov
Painting "Intuition" by painter Olha Pichkurova oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
80×80 cm, oil/canvas
Olha Pichkurova
Painting "Geometric landscape" by painter Sergio Kovalov acrylic canvas at Jose Art Gallery
120×120 cm, acrylic/canvas
Sergio Kovalov
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