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Contemporary Art History Painting Unbreakable by painter Lyubov Ogorodnik mixed method canvas
Unbreakable Painting by Lyubov Ogorodnik - Jose Art Gallery
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Original artwork, 40×50 cm, 2023
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Characteristics of the Painting “Unbreakable”

Year of creation2023
Dimensions40 W × 50 H × 1 D   cm
Type of artpainting
Stylecontemporary art
Materialsmixed method, canvas
Type of packagingwooden box
Ukrainepatriotic picturekartinassmoliepoxypicture of Ukraine

Description of the Artwork “Unbreakable”

Automatic translation

The painting “Unbreakable” was painted in a technique that was new to me. Since there is now a war in Ukraine, I wanted to convey the fighting spirit and invincibility of the Ukrainian people. The picture is three-dimensional. First, I sculpted the drawing out of putty, a girl, a tank and a flag, then painted it. When the painting was dry I covered it with epoxy resin. Sprinkling broken glass and glitter in some places. 40x50, canvas on stretcher, acrylic, putty, epoxy resin, broken glass. 380962799762 lubovogorodnik43@gmail.com The painting "unbreakable" was painted in a technique that was new to me. Since there is now a war in Ukraine, I wanted to convey the fighting mood and invincibility of the Ukrainian people. The picture is bulky. First, I sculpted a drawing from putty, a girl, a tank and a flag, then painted it. When the painting was dry I covered it with epoxy. Sprinkling in some places broken glass and sparkles. 40x50, canvas on stretcher, acrylic, putty, epoxy resin, broken glass.

Artwork in the interior

About the artist

Hello. My name is Lyubov, I am an aspiring artist from Ukraine. She graduated from the Uman Pedagogical University in 2014 with a degree in Fine Arts Teacher. I really like to draw. I already have 14 paintings in my creative collection. But there was no exhibition yet. But I am making a lot of efforts to make it happen as soon as possible. Ukrainian village 100x120, canvas on stretcher, oil, 2019. And “Sunset” 50x60, canvas on stretcher, 2019. "Peonies" 30x40, 2021, "Melody of Flowers" 30x40. 2021, "Roses in a vase" 30x40. 2021, "Lovers" 50x60. 2021, "Roses", "Walk in the Rain" 40x55, 2021,. "Morning fog" 30x40 2021. ... Hello. My name is Lyubov, I am an artist from Ukraine. She graduated from the Uman Pedagogical University in 2014 with a degree in Fine Arts Teacher. I really like to draw. I already have 14 paintings in my creative collection. But there was no exhibition yet. But I am making a lot of efforts to make it happen as soon as possible. Ukrainian village 100x120, canvas on stretcher, oil, 2019. And “Sunset” 50x60, canvas on stretcher, 2019. "Peonies" 30x40, 2021, "Melody of Flowers" 30x40. 2021, "Roses in a vase" 30x40. 2021, "Lovers" 50x60. 2021, "Roses", "Walk in the Rain" 40x55, 2021,. "Morning fog" 30x40 2021. ... Bonjour. Je m'appelle Lyubov, je suis un artiste ukrainien. Elle est diplômée de l'Université pédagogique d'Ouman en 2014 avec un diplôme de professeur de beaux-arts. J'aime vraiment dessiner. J'ai déjà 14 tableaux dans ma collection creative. Mais il n'y a pas encore eu d'exposition. Mais je fais beaucoup d'efforts pour que cela se réalise le plus rapidement possible. Village Ukraine 100x120, toile sur châssis, huile, 2019. Et "Coucher de soleil" 50x60, toile sur châssis, 2019. "Pivoines" 30x40, 2021, "Mélodie des Fleurs" 30x40. 2021, "Roses dans un vase" 30x40. 2021, "Les Amoureux" 50x60. 2021, "Roses", "Marcher sous la pluie" 40x55, 2021,. "Brouillard matinal" 30x40 2021. ... Salemetsiz be. Menin atym Love, men Ukrainedan kelgen suretshimin. 2014 years of Uman Pedagogical University “Beineleu oneri mugalimi” mamandygy boyynsha bitirgen. Men suret salganda qatty zhaksy koremin. Shyғarmashylyk collectionsda kazіrdіn ozіnde 14 painting bar. Take care of everything. Bіrak mѯnkіndіgіnshe tezіrek zhuzhege asyr ushіn kop kush kush saludamin. Ukraine villages 100x120, zembildegi kenep, mails, 2019 Al “Kun batuy” 50x60, zembildegi kenep, 2019. “Piondar” 30x40, 2021, “Gulder Auyeni” 30x40. 2021, “Vazadagy raushandar” 30x40. 2021, “Kashyktar” 50x60. 2021, “Raushangulder”, “Zhanbyrmen zhuru” 40x55, 2021,. “Tangy Tuman” 30x40 2021 .. من أوكرانيا. New Year 2014 New Year. أنا حقا أحب الرسم. لدي بالفعل 14 لوحة في مجموعتي الإبداعية. لكن لم يكن هناك معرض بعد. It's a good idea. Design 100×120 2019. Design 50x60 50x60 الة 2019. "الفاوانيا" 30×40، 2021، "لحن الزهور" 30×40. 2021 "ورد في مزهرية" 30×40. 2021 "العشاق" 50x60. 2021، "ورود"، "المشي تحت المطر" 40x55، 2021،. "ضباب الصباح" 30×40 2021. ... mrhban. aismi liubuf, 'ana fanaan min

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