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Portraits for Sale

Portrait art is a very popular genre in the culture. The list of portrait artworks is quite extensive. Almost every master tried him/herself in this direction. A separate category is self portrait artworks. They could tell a lot about the meaning of the work of a particular author. At Jose Art Gallery you can buy portrait artwork online.

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Painting "Singleness of heart" by painter Ogah Ochuko oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
135×160 cm, oil/canvas
Ogah Ochuko
Painting "Ukrainian madonna" by painter Vasyl Koroliuk oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
130×95.5 cm, oil/canvas
Vasyl Koroliuk
Painting "Mother and Muse" by painter A.fe ink paper at Jose Art Gallery
30×42 cm, ink/paper
Painting "Hope" by painter Liubov Kuptsova oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
80×60 cm, oil/canvas
Liubov Kuptsova
Painting "Better give up right away" by painter Volodymyr Korolievskyi acrylic cardboard at Jose Art Gallery
60×60 cm, acrylic/cardboard
Volodymyr Korolievskyi
Painting "Succeeded since birth" by painter NHN acrylic canvas at Jose Art Gallery
80×60 cm, acrylic/canvas
Painting "Spring night" by painter Viktor Babak acrylic canvas at Jose Art Gallery
80×80 cm, acrylic/canvas
Viktor Babak
Painting "I'm alive!" by painter Liubov Kuptsova oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
80×100 cm, oil/canvas
Liubov Kuptsova
Painting "Edges of the soul" by painter Nataliia Bazyliuk oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
100×80 cm, oil/canvas
Nataliia Bazyliuk
Painting "Feeling of home" by painter KOlha oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
70×70 cm, oil/canvas
Painting "OCULE" by painter Stefano Mazzolini oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
110×123 cm, oil/canvas
Stefano Mazzolini
Painting "Waiting and hope" by painter Vladyslava Shokha oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
70×70 cm, oil/canvas
Vladyslava Shokha
Painting "We saw 2Cellos at the Fox..." by painter @thatalx acrylic canvas at Jose Art Gallery
91×122 cm, acrylic/canvas
Painting "Monday!" by painter Sylwia Młodziejewska acrylic canvas at Jose Art Gallery
100×100 cm, acrylic/canvas
Sylwia Młodziejewska
Painting "A Floral Enigma" by painter Danguole Serstinskaja acrylic canvas at Jose Art Gallery
50×70 cm, acrylic/canvas
Danguole Serstinskaja
Painting "Yoruba Union in Aso Oke" by painter Muritadoh Azeez acrylic canvas at Jose Art Gallery
47×51 cm, acrylic/canvas
Muritadoh Azeez
Painting "Bird of paradise" by painter Anna Dobrodij oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
30×40 cm, oil/canvas
Anna Dobrodij
Painting "Before the storm" by painter Ekaterina Campbell oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
90×90 cm, oil/canvas
Ekaterina Campbell
Painting "Ukrainian beauty" by painter Liubov Kuptsova oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
70×90 cm, oil/canvas
Liubov Kuptsova
Painting "Yellow bird" by painter Oksana Chumakova acrylic canvas at Jose Art Gallery
46×55 cm, acrylic/canvas
Oksana Chumakova
Painting "Red Chrysanthemum Elegance" by painter Yana Evans acrylic canvas at Jose Art Gallery
60×80 cm, acrylic/canvas
Yana Evans
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