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How to Sell Paintings Online: Common Listing Mistakes

Jose Art Gallery
15 June, 2024
How to Sell Paintings Online: Common Listing Mistakes
We wrote this article to help our sellers improve the presentation of their paintings on the Jose Art Gallery platform and, consequently, increase their sales. Some artists periodically ask us why their paintings rarely appear in the site's recommendations list. The answer is simple: we assign ratings to items based on the quality of the product page and the seller's profile. If your item is poorly presented, with low-quality images, inadequate descriptions, or missing keywords, its rating will be lower. Such items will be shown less frequently in the recommendations section.

We have identified some common mistakes made by artists and want to help you avoid them. Please note that we will be focusing on original paintings, so if you are a digital artist, you can skip this article. However, you might still find some useful tips here.

1. Upload high-quality photos of your paintings.

Your photos should reflect the full range of colors in the painting. High-quality photographs allow potential buyers to fully appreciate your artwork, creating a stronger first impression. Use good lighting and a high-resolution camera to make your artwork look professional and attractive. Photos taken with modern smartphones are also acceptable, as their camera quality is now quite high. Ensure that the colors in the photograph match the original to avoid misunderstandings and disappointments for buyers. Under no circumstances should you artificially enhance the brightness and colorfulness using special image editing functions.

Ensure your photos reflect the true colors of the painting.Avoid artificial enhancements.
Ensure your photos reflect the true colors of the painting.Avoid artificial enhancements.

2. The main image of the painting should focus on the artwork itself.

The main image of the painting should be cropped so that only the artwork itself is visible in the frame. This image is crucial because it is displayed as a preview when browsing products and appears in internet search engines. If you want to show how your artwork looks in an interior or from a different angle, add such images as additional ones. This allows buyers to get an idea of how the painting will look in various conditions, while keeping the main focus on the artwork itself.

Crop the main image so only the artwork is visible. Exclude any extraneous objects.
Crop the main image so only the artwork is visible. Exclude any extraneous objects.

3. The main image of the painting should be straight, without distortions and tilts.

The main image of your painting should be straight and symmetrical. Distortions or tilts can skew the perception of the artwork, making it less appealing to potential buyers. Ensure that the main image accurately conveys the proportions and details of the painting to make it look professional and high-quality.

The main image of your painting should be level and balanced.
The main image of your painting should be level and balanced.

4. The main image of the painting should not include the frame.

Even if you are selling the painting in a frame, don't publish the main image with the frame. The main image should focus solely on the artwork itself, allowing potential buyers to better see the details and quality of the work. Add the framed image as an additional photo. This shows how the painting looks with the frame, but keeps the main focus on the artwork. When adding the painting to your gallery, you can also mark that the artwork is sold with a frame so the client can see this in the item's details.

The main image of the painting should exclude the frame.
The main image of the painting should exclude the frame.

5. Add additional images of the painting.

Add additional images of the painting to provide buyers with a complete view of your artwork. Take close-up shots of individual elements of the painting, signatures, different angles, and the back side. These images help buyers better assess the quality and details of the artwork, increasing their confidence in the purchase and boosting sales.

You can also add images of the painting in your own interiors if you wish. Keep in mind that our website offers a function allowing you to choose an interior for showcasing your artwork. This helps buyers visualize how the painting will look in various settings.

Example of the main and additional images of the painting.
The image shows the painting "Big Apple Mirage" by the artist Liubov Kuptsova.

6. Create video reviews.

Create video reviews of your paintings and add them directly in the section when uploading the product. You can also upload the video to YouTube and provide a link to your channel. Video reviews help clients better feel the atmosphere of your studio, see the paintings in real-time, and get a fuller understanding of your art. This increases buyers' interest and trust, promoting successful sales. Learn more about why video reviews are important in our article - BOOSTING ART SALES WITH VIDEO REVIEWS.

Soon, we will add new features that will allow further promotion of your video reviews, so you can start preparing a solid foundation for promoting your work now.

7. Create a quality description of the painting.

We recommend creating a short but interesting description of your artwork. Tell the story that inspired you to create the painting, and briefly describe the history of the piece or the series it belongs to. Such a description helps buyers better understand and appreciate your work, creating an emotional connection with the painting.

Our website has an AI assistant that helps improve your description based on the data you provide. This makes your text more attractive and informative for potential buyers. Learn more about this feature here: AI IN ART: ARTWORK NAME AND DESCRIPTION GENERATOR.

8. Add Keywords.

Keywords are important for both the Jose Art Gallery platform and internet search engines. They help clients quickly find what they are looking for by keywords. Don't add keywords as phrases consisting of two or more words; use individual keywords. Ideally, add seven or more individual keywords. This simplifies the search process and increases the chances of your paintings being found and appreciated.

We are constantly improving the keyword search and product display system, so we recommend taking this matter seriously. Properly selected keywords will help improve the visibility of your works and attract more potential buyers. Read our article HOW TO DO SEO FOR ARTISTS? to learn more about the importance of keywords and other aspects of SEO for artists.

9. Add a View of the Painting in the Interior.

In the artwork addition editor, we offer a function to view your painting in an interior. Please don't miss this feature. It helps clients visualize how their purchase will look in their space and what proportions it has. This creates a fuller impression of the painting and increases the likelihood of purchase. Using this feature makes your offering more visual and attractive to potential buyers. Read our article IMPROVING ONLINE ART SALES: 8 PROVEN TIPS FROM JOSE ART GALLERY to learn more about the importance of showing paintings in an interior.

10. Set Realistic Prices.

We value all artists and recognize your right to set your own prices for your artwork. We are not in a position to provide pricing advice and will accept any decision you make. However, sometimes some artists set prices, for example, 100,000 euros, while ignoring the requirements for the quality of their profile and product page. Such products and artist profiles will be immediately blocked.

We ensure that our community consists of honest and reliable sellers who treat customers with respect. Set realistic prices that match the quality and market value of your artworks. This helps build trust in you as a seller and increases the chances of successful sales. If you are unsure how to price your art, we recommend reading our article - ART COST CALCULATOR: HOW TO PRICE MY ART.

Importance of Following Recommendations.

All the above recommendations are important not only for improving the visibility of your paintings on our site but also because we are constantly introducing new features. Quality standards allow properly uploaded products to be used in new site features and for showcasing your artworks in promotional campaigns on partner programs. Following these recommendations will help you effectively present your artworks and attract more buyers.
Thank you, and we look forward to your comments and questions.
We wish you all the best and creative success! Sincerely,
The Jose Art Gallery Team

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