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Paintings from Germany

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Painting "Blumenland:Toscana Impression" by painter Olga Hanns oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
100ร—50 cm, oil/canvas
Olga Hanns
Painting "Cambiamento XV" by painter Marion Kotyba acrylic canvas at Jose Art Gallery
100ร—80 cm, acrylic/canvas
Marion Kotyba
Painting "Temple of the Forgotten God" by painter Irene Mitawski acrylic canvas at Jose Art Gallery
50ร—60 cm, acrylic/canvas
Irene Mitawski
Painting "The Morgana girl" by painter Irene Mitawski acrylic canvas at Jose Art Gallery
60ร—80 cm, acrylic/canvas
Irene Mitawski
Painting "Infinite Possibilities" by painter Irene Mitawski acrylic canvas at Jose Art Gallery
80ร—80 cm, acrylic/canvas
Irene Mitawski
Painting "Il mio paesaggio I" by painter Marion Kotyba acrylic canvas at Jose Art Gallery
180ร—120 cm, acrylic/canvas
Marion Kotyba
Painting "Lake Nakuru" by painter Marion Kotyba mixed method canvas at Jose Art Gallery
100ร—100 cm, mixed method/canvas
Marion Kotyba
Painting "Firmamento XII" by painter Marion Kotyba mixed method canvas at Jose Art Gallery
100ร—100 cm, mixed method/canvas
Marion Kotyba
Painting "Cambiamento III" by painter Marion Kotyba acrylic canvas at Jose Art Gallery
100ร—80 cm, acrylic/canvas
Marion Kotyba
Painting "DYNAMIC HORIZONS" by painter Natalia Grehova acrylic canvas at Jose Art Gallery
80ร—100 cm, acrylic/canvas
Natalia Grehova
Painting "Alone" by painter KNAP_art acrylic canvas at Jose Art Gallery
60ร—80 cm, acrylic/canvas
Painting "Jose and Maria" by painter Viktoriia Gladkova acrylic canvas at Jose Art Gallery
60ร—60 cm, acrylic/canvas
Viktoriia Gladkova
Painting "The life" by painter Merlusca Rebeca acrylic canvas at Jose Art Gallery
50ร—50 cm, acrylic/canvas
Merlusca Rebeca
Painting "Fossil II - Abstract Art" by painter Edelgard Schroer acrylic canvas at Jose Art Gallery
53ร—53 cm, acrylic/canvas
Edelgard Schroer
Painting "Fantasy in Violet: Flower Magic" by painter Irene Mitawski acrylic canvas at Jose Art Gallery
50ร—50 cm, acrylic/canvas
Irene Mitawski
Painting "Sopra le novule III" by painter Marion Kotyba acrylic canvas at Jose Art Gallery
60ร—60 cm, acrylic/canvas
Marion Kotyba
Painting "Neviato II" by painter Marion Kotyba mixed method canvas at Jose Art Gallery
70ร—50 cm, mixed method/canvas
Marion Kotyba
Painting "Morgenerwachen" by painter Marion Kotyba acrylic canvas at Jose Art Gallery
100ร—80 cm, acrylic/canvas
Marion Kotyba
Painting "Tuscany Landscape Sunflowers" by painter Olga Hanns oil canvas at Jose Art Gallery
70ร—50 cm, oil/canvas
Olga Hanns
Painting "Antico III" by painter Marion Kotyba mixed method cardboard at Jose Art Gallery
30ร—30 cm, mixed method/cardboard
Marion Kotyba
Painting "Musica I" by painter Marion Kotyba mixed method cardboard at Jose Art Gallery
30ร—30 cm, mixed method/cardboard
Marion Kotyba
Painting "Musica II" by painter Marion Kotyba mixed method cardboard at Jose Art Gallery
30ร—30 cm, mixed method/cardboard
Marion Kotyba
Painting "Mooraue I" by painter Marion Kotyba mixed method canvas at Jose Art Gallery
90ร—60 cm, mixed method/canvas
Marion Kotyba
Painting "Ampia vista I" by painter Marion Kotyba mixed method canvas at Jose Art Gallery
80ร—60 cm, mixed method/canvas
Marion Kotyba
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25 Results Per Page