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Color Street Photography Paura by photographer Cicero Spin


Cicero SpinBrazil
Original photo, 70×80 cm, 2020
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Characteristics of the Photography “Paura”

Year of creation2020
Dimensions70 W × 80 H × 0.1 D   cm
Type of artphotography
Type of packagingart tube
graffiticalligraphystreet artpop artthrowiescityscapeurbanaestheticsglitchurbandecayurbanartstreetartphotographyphotomanipulationgraffitibombinggraffititaggingwritingsonthewallgraffitiartstreetmuralsmemento

Description of the Artwork “Paura”

This captivating piece by Cicero Spin is a visual poem of the city's heartbeat—its walls infused with life through graffiti and calligraphy, merging into an unexpected narrative. 'Paura' is transformed into a street art symphony where each photomanipulated element contributes to a new, layered message, evoking a pop art memento that resonates with throwies, glitch, and urbanaesthetics in a striking display of street murals and graffiti bombing.

Artwork in the interior

About the artist
Cicero Spin

Cicero Spin, Brazil

Cicero Spin is a self-taught brazilian pop mix-media artist with a passion for beauty, for high contrast color palettes, optical illusions, codes, cyphers and pop culture. The art of Cicero Spin intends to express and share his vision of the reality of life, his feelings towards other people and himself, loaded with his own autistic idiosyncrasies, often transiting quickly and repeatedly between extremes, whether in a single art piece or between different artworks or series, for example oscillating from a photorealistic portrait to an abstract representation of people faces and bodies, flirting with the artistic languages of surrealism, pop and street art. His works are mainly done through stencil art, acrylic and spray paints, cnc machining techniques and collages, but sometimes creating his own processes, as in the "cicerotone" pieces ...

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