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Symbolism History Painting GIGANTOMACHY by painter Anastasiya Yurzinova oil canvas
GIGANTOMACHY Painting by Anastasiya Yurzinova
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Original artwork, 120×80 cm, 2023
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Characteristics of the Painting “GIGANTOMACHY”

Year of creation2023
Dimensions120 W × 80 H × 2 D   cm
Type of artpainting
Materialsoil, canvas
Type of packagingwooden box
StatuesculptureArtFountainancientCultureArchitectureMonumentReligionHistorystoneStructureTempletripsgigantomachywrestling of the olympic godsgodsfrieze fragmentpergamon altarzeus altarberlin museumantiqueantique architecturemythologygoddesses

Description of the Artwork “GIGANTOMACHY”

Automatic translation

The picture is associated with the struggle of the gods with the giants in ancient Greek mythology, during which the giants were destroyed by the gods. Prototype: Gigantomachy. The struggle of the Olympian Gods with the Giants (a fragment of a modern reconstruction of the frieze of the Pergamon altar (the altar of Zeus in Pergamon c. 180-159 BC), Berlin Museum, Germany, Hellenistic architecture, ancient mythology) Before us are two goddesses and two giants (giants are easy to distinguish from the titans by the serpentine lower body), from left to right: two Moira (goddess of fate) Lachesis and Atropos deal a mortal blow to Agria and Foant with their bronze maces. Agria and Foant (aka Toon) are giants, the sons of Gaia. If in classical antique art there is a noble and static calmness of the figures, then all the heroes of the Pergamon high relief are energetic, expressive, dynamic. Even with a cursory glance at the thousands of details, the curves of the eyebrows, lips, arms, legs, one gets the impression that a cataclysm has struck the world and, if it is not overcome, then the end of everything will come.

Artwork in the interior

About the artist

Анастасия Юрзинова (1994 г., МО, Россия) художник, является профессионалом в изобразительном искусстве, так как имеет диплом высшего образования с отличием, и опыт более 10 лет. Специалист широкого профиля. Закончила высшее учебное заведение МГОУ, кафедра изобразительного искусства по специальности "дизайнер". Обучалась академическому рисунку, цветовидению, пропедевтике, живописи, рисованию с натуры, гравюре, гончарству, вместе с тем изучая пакет графических программ Adobe на ПК. Работала Арт-директором в крупной компании, вела фриланс-проекты, художественная деятельность всегда оставалась в практике. Рисует интерьерные картины, в том числе и на заказ.

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