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Expressionism Mythological Painting Just Breathe by painter Rebekah Molander oil canvas
Just Breathe Painting by Rebekah Molander - Jose Art Gallery
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Just Breathe

Rebekah MolanderUnited States
Original artwork, 51×40 cm, 2020
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Characteristics of the Painting “Just Breathe”

Year of creation2020
Dimensions51 W × 40 H × 2 D   cm
Type of artpainting
Materialsoil, canvas

Description of the Artwork “Just Breathe” To see the making of this piece. Yes, there is a time to fight, but there is also a time to stop fighting, sometimes you have to let go and just breathe. Take comfort in knowing everything is temporary. This is only a moment, this is not your whole life. Sometimes letting go, and just breathing is not giving up. “Life is a balance between what we can control and what we cannot. I am learning to live between effort and surrender.” ~ Danielle Orner You can not master anything in a day, relax, breathe, master today, this moment, this breath and then just keep doing that. But what it means to me is really only so important, What I want to know is what do you see? When I paint something that has to do with pain, with being sick, I am always amazed at how many people that usually support or LIKE my art, don’t. The people who are the first to cheer me on, suddenly have nothing to say to me. But what I have found, what really amazes me, is for every one person who no longer knows what to say to me, I have three new people I have never met telling me how I have touched them, helped them, cheering me on, telling me I’m strong, they don’t know me, but they are proud of me. Isn’t that amazing. Complete strangers and with a simple painting or a few kind words, we now share something we now have a connection that I don’t have with people who have been in my life for years. We are different, those of us with chronic pain, with a chronic illness, those of us who have overcome something unimaginable to most people. Good for us.

About the artist
Rebekah Molander

Rebekah Molander, United States

Gustav Klimt said "Art is a line around your thoughts.” I love that. That is exactly what art is to me. All my thoughts that are constantly running through my mind, all my words that that are constantly failing me. Things I want to say, but I’m not sure how, that’s why I paint. All the beautiful things and all the sad things that are in that I don’t know how to get out. And if means something to someone else, if they can see it and think I’ve felt that, or thought that and didn’t know how to say it, than that is even better. But mostly my art is just a collection of my thoughts, my dreams, my feelings, my stories I never told anyone.

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