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Artist Zlata Jaanimägi

Zlata Jaanimägi

Artist from Sweden

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About the artist Zlata Jaanimägi

​Zlata’s artworks have been exhibited in New York, USA; Rome, Palermo, Deruta and Gualdo Tadino in Italy; Paris in France; Helsinki in Finland; Stockholm and Nordingrå in Sweden; Tallinn and Tartu in Estonia; Budapest in Hungary. She has also been featured in several art magazines and books, such as: ‘’Art is spectrum’’, ‘’International Contemporary Artists’’, ‘’Hidden Treasure Art Magazine’’, ‘’Bild Konstnären’’. Zlata lives and works in Stockholm, Sweden and is a member of the Swedish Artist’s Union. Since her early childhood, Zlata was attending art school for 7 years, thereafter taking part in preparatory arts program in Estonian Academy of Arts in Tallinn. Later, she was studying multimedia, film and theatre directing in St Petersburg, Russia, wherefrom she graduated in 2004 with Master of Arts Degree. Zlata Jaanimägi has been trainee on TV, in Cartoons and Games studios, as well has been working for a longer period as an Art Director, designer for advertising agency. Before moving to Stockholm, she spent 6 years in Helsinki first freelancing and later dedicating to her art full - time.

  • Community member since November 25th, 2019
  • Kind of fine art:Painting


SK Region Öst Utställningsgruppen ​24 - 31 October, 2019 ​Gallery Bellman; Stockholm, Sweden ​ ​North Meets South lll ​19 - 27 October, 2019 ​La Grange Dîmière; Beaucouzé, France ​ ​Different but together in Tallinn ​October - November, 2018 ​Tallinna Õpetajate Maja, Raekoja plats, Tallinn, Estonia Ett verk var ​September - October, 2018 ​Husby Konsthall, Sweden North meets South ​October, 2017 ​La Pigna Gallery, Rome, Italy Memories 2017 ​June - September, 2017 ​Mannaminne, Höga kusten, Sweden ​ ​Jordnära ​May, 2017 Gallery Magno Art, Stockholm, Sweden ​ Different but Together in Vilnius ​ April, 2017 Vilniaus Rotušė (Town Hall); Vilnius, Lithuania ​ Different but Together ​ October - November, 2016 MÜSZI; Budapest, Hungary Memories from Estonia NORDINGRÅ KONSTRUNDA; May - September, 2016 Mannaminne, Höga kusten, Sweden Solo exhibition February, 2016 Gallery Bellman; Stockholm, Sweden Right in the Bullseye November, 2015 Art Museum of Tartu University; Tartu, Estonia Back to the Roots September - October , 2015 Kastellaanimaja Gallery; Tallinn, Estonia Memories May - June , 2015 Mannaminne Museum, Nordingrå, Höga Kusten, Sweden Min egen stad April , 2015 Gallery Hagström, T Gallery; Stockholm, Sweden Connected April , 2015 Kaapelitehdas; Helsinki, Finland The Heat is On January, 2015 Rocca Flea Museum; Gualdo Tadino, Italy Art Shopping Carrousel du Louvre October, 2014 Paris, France In the Heat at Antica Fornace Grazia Aug - Sep, 2014 Deruta, Umbria, Italy Quello che gli altri non vedono... October, 2013 Coronari 111 Art Gallery; Rome, Italy International Biennale of Art January - February, 2013 Palermo, Italy The Portal of Tranquility May - June, 2012 Agora Gallery; New York, USA.​


M.A. in Arts. Majored in: multimedia design, stage and screen directing.

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