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Artist Valentine Kozyar

Valentine Kozyar

Artist from Ukraine

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About the artist Valentine Kozyar

Творчество - прежде всего ощущения! Пройден определенный этап реализма , а к абстракции, к ее пониманию нужно пройти определенный творческий путь ... ! Для меня абстракция, это - джаз в музыке, только высокопрофессиональный музыкант может создать настоящий джаз, так и в творчестве передать гармонию или донести свои мысли можно через абстракцию, через гармонию цвета и композиции ... Но только искренность наполняет светом и теплом работы. Абстракция не сосредоточивает и не навязывает конкретные реалистичные сюжеты, а является диалогом ... Я только закладываю свои мысли, чтобы зритель почувствовал и наполнился эмоциями, которые создаю ...

  • Community member since April 8th, 2021
  • Kind of fine art:Painting


Recent exhibitions: 2000 - exhibition in New York, Ukrainian Institute of America 2002 - auction "Ukrainian Contemporary Art", Kyiv, Ukraine 2003 - exhibition of Ukrainian artists London, England 2007 - exhibition "Blessing" Berlin, Germany 2008 - exhibition , Boyko Production Center, Magdeburg, Germany 2010 - Auction "Golden Section" ,, Avangard "Kyiv, Ukraine 2012 - exhibition ,, Contemporary Art of Ukraine" Tallinn, Estonia 2012 - exhibition in the Parliament of the Republic of Estonia 2012 - exhibition ,, Conversation with time "Dubai, United Arab Emirates 2012 - international exhibition ,, Art-week" Moscow, Russia (awarded a diploma for 3rd place) 2013 - exhibition of contemporary art Abu Dhabi UAE2013 - All-Ukrainian Triennial of Painting, Kyiv, Ukraine 2015 - exhibition-project "Out of time" I. Kavaleridze Museum, Kyiv, Ukraine 2016 - All-Ukrainian Biennale "From Trypillia to the present" Kyiv, Ukraine 2016 - project "Heavenly and Earthly" Museum "History of Kyiv", Kyiv Kyiv, Ukraine 2016 - international Art Symposium on Painting ,, Art-Khust 2016 "Khust, Ukraine 2017 - exhibition-project ,, Undiscovered Secrets" Art Center Anna Zavalna, Kyiv, Ukraine2017 - International Symposium on Painting Lipana, Slovakia. 2018 - exhibition Presov Cultural Center, Slovakia 2018 - exhibition at the Lviv Museum "History of Religion" Lviv, Ukraine 2018 - International Art Festival "Dennytsia" Berlin, Germany (awarded a diploma for honorary 4th place) 2019 - exhibition-project, Riga, Latvia2019 - International Triennial "Silver Square" Peremeshl, Poland 2019 - exhibition-project at the invitation of the City Hall of Stuttgart, Germany 2020 - All-Ukrainian Triennial of Painting, "House of the Artist", Kyiv, Ukraine 2020 - International Symposium of Contemporary Art, Drohobych, Ukraine 2021 - exhibition-project "One day after ...", Museum "History of Kyiv", Ukraine The works are in the funds of museums of Ukraine, private collections of Ukraine and abroad.


She was born in 1962. in Khotyn, Chernivtsi region. Graduated in 1984. Art and graphic faculty of STI Odessa. Participant of international, national and regional exhibitions since 1984.

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