Since 2012 member of the Union of Artists of Ukraine 2012, Biennale «Color Fest», II prize, Minsk, Belarus. Since 2017 full member of Mondial Art Academia (France). Since 2017 ambassador Mondial Art Academia in Ukraine. "International prize for galleries and choices of proffessionals of art 2017", bronze medal, category "surrealism, symbolism", Mondial Art Academia. The Kiev art Award, named Sergey Shishko, a fine art, 2019 Exhibited since 1986. 20 рersonal exhibitions passed in Ukraine, Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland. Artwork were bought by the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine. Artworks are in Vatican, «Museum Haus am Chickpoint Charlie» (Germany), «The Endy Warhol Museum of Modern Art» (Slovakia), Kiev National Museum of Russian Art (Ukraine), Odessa Art Museum (Ukraine) and in private collections of Ukraine, Germany, France, Malta, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Serbia, Poland, and etc.
2019, «Dreams non stop». National Museum of the Russian art, Kiev, Ukraine. 2018, «From many many summers». National Museum of the Russian art, Kiev, Ukraine. 2019, «Аnd joy and sadness». Museum of Ukrainian Diaspora, Kiev, Ukraine. 2017, «Plum rain», Gallery «Workshop», House of National Union of Artists of Ukraine, Kiev 2015, «Parable or too early, too late», The museum of Odessa modern art, Odessa, Ukraine.(catalogue) 2015, The Odessa Literature Museum, Odessa, Ukraine. 2015, «Two looks», Old palace, Snina, Slovakia 2013, «Fusion or sense metamorphoses», The World-Wide Club of Odessites, Odessa, Ukraine. 2013, «Tempora-Ars-Vitae», Odessa Art Museum, Odessa, Ukraine. 2013, «Ars-Anima-Vitae», National Museum of the Russian art, Kiev, Ukraine. 2013, «Alter ego», Gallery «Workshop», House of National Union of Artists of Ukraine, Kiev 2013, «Jam sassion», auction house of «Euro Аrt», Kiev, Ukraine 2012, Gallery of Banknote-monetary to the court National Bank of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine 2012, Gallery «Аrt-shik», Vinnitza, Ukraine. (catalogue) 1997, «The Endy Warhol Museum of Modern Art». Medzilaborce, Slovakia. (booklet) 1997, Gallery «Archika», Humenne, Slovakia 1996, Gallery «Miro», Snina, Slovakia 1995, A gallery of national university «Kievo-Mohylyanska Academy», Kiev, Ukraine. 1995, «Goete Institute». Berlin, Germany. 1994, State historical and architectural reserve «Ancient Kiev», Kiev, Ukraine
1989 graduated from Odessa art school to them M. B. Grekova, art-designe faculty 1996 graduated from Ukrainian Academy of Fine Art, fine art faculty, workshop of professor Gurin, Kiev.