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Artist pierre vogel

pierre vogel

Artist from Switzerland

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About the artist pierre vogel


  • Community member since August 19th, 2024


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2023 Tulette Pavilion < Pierre Vogel > 2022 Tulette Pavilion < Pierre Vogel > 2019 Tulette Pavilion < Pierre Vogel > 2018 City of Time . Geneva June 6 to July 1 2017 Pavillon de la Tulette < Pierre Vogel paintings > 2015 Pavillon de la Tulette < Pierre Vogel paintings and Ulla Marthe sculptures > 2014 Pavillon de la Tulette < Pierre Vogel paintings > Invitation of the artist Xenia Thevoz to the Pavillon de la Tulette 2013 Galerie Editart, Geneva < Regards croisés > 2012 Pavillon de la Tulette < Pierre Vogel paintings > Galerie Editart, Geneva < Modern painting > 2011 Pavillon de la Tulette <Pierre Vogel paintings and Ulla Marthe sculptures > Suzanne Husson: Piano recital 2010 Pavillon de la Tulette <Pierre Vogel paintings > Classical music concert with Alain Porchet piano, Agnès Sollien contralto and saw, Claude Jordan flutes and Rodolphe Spycher piano 2009 Pavillon de la Tulette < Pierre Vogel drawings 1960 - 2009 > and major exhibition Ikebana under the leadership of Madame Nikles Galerie Editart, Geneva < post-scriptum > 2008 Galerie Alexandre Mottier < Coup de coeur > Invitation of the painter Alice Dabbous to the Pavillon de la Tulette 2007 Pavillon de la Tulette < Pierre Vogel paintings and Manuel Torres sculptures > Invitation of the painter Andreas Vogt to the Pavillon de la Tulette 2006 Creation and inauguration of the Pavillon de la Tulette Galerie Alexandre Mottier, Geneva < Drawing: seven expressions > 2005 Galerie Cour Saint-Pierre, Geneva 2003 Galerie Cour Saint-Pierre, Geneva Galerie Editart, Geneva Cinéma Central, Geneva < Café du Cinéma > murals 2000 Galerie Cour Saint-Pierre 1999 Kunstvertrieb Heidi Yuson, Göttingen Germany 1998 Galerie Cour Saint-Pierre, Geneva 1996 Cour Saint-Pierre Gallery, Geneva 1995 Europ-Art Palexpo, Geneva 1994 Cour Saint-Pierre Gallery, Geneva 1993 CInéma City, Geneva < Long live cinema > mural 1992 Cour Saint-Pierre Gallery, Geneva 1991 Art-Top Gallery, Montreux 1990 Cour-Saint-Pierre Gallery, Geneva 1989 < Italian fresco > mural (24 m x 16 m), Thônex 1988 Cour Saint-Pierre Gallery, Geneva 1987 Saidye Bronfman Center, Montreal (coll.) 1986 Cour Saint-Pierre Gallery, Geneva 1985 Schloss Berlepsch, Germany 1982 Apex Gallery, Göttingen Germany 1980 < Geneva Artists >, Rath Museum, Geneva 1978 City Hall Gallery, Geneva 1976 < Artists Geneva > Helmhaus, Zurich 1975 Galerie b71, Leer, Germany Galerie Gabus, Bevaix 1974 Galerie Atrium Artis, Geneva Galerie Skipholt, Reykjavik, Iceland 1973 Galerie b71, Göttingen 1972 Musée de l’Athénée, Geneva 1971 < 20th Century Swiss Drawing >, Switzerland and Germany Fondation Simon Patino, Geneva (coll.) 1970 Editions < Myriades >, Galerie Krugier, Geneva < Moderne Schweizer Graphik > Klagenfurt < Swiss Engravers > Rio de Janeiro Galerie am Abend, Munich Germany 1969 < Jovanes Grabadores Suizos > Chile, Peru, Bolivia, Venezuela Galerie Vera Ziegler, Berlin, Germany Fondation Simon Patino, Geneva 1968 Galerie 44, La Chaux-de-Fonds (coll.) 1968 Galerie Iolas, Geneva 2nd Biennial of Engraving, Krakow Poland < Current Trends > Lausanne, Fribourg, Neuchâtel 1967 Galerie im Center, Göttingen, Germany Musée de l’Athénée 1966 Galerie L’Oeil Ecoute, Lyon France (coll.) 1965 < Sammlung Lierse > , Göttingen, Germany < Grosse Kunstausstellung > , Haus der Kunst, Munich (Neue Gruppe) 1964 Foyer John Knox, Geneva < Jeunes gravures genevois > Museum of Art and History, Geneva Galerie contemporaine, Carouge Château de Sonnaz, France (coll.) Cabinet des Estampes, Geneva 1963 Galerie Schmücking, Braunschweig, Germany (coll.) Galerie Epoca, Rolle Roeder’s Kunsthaus, Göttingen, Germany 1962 Galerie Vanier, Geneva 1961 Galerie 5, Geneva 1960 Galerie 5, Geneva


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