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Artist Olena Marychevska

Olena Marychevska


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About the artist Olena Marychevska

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Born July 27, 1986 in Kiev. Works in the style of non-figurative abstract painting, in particular geometric poster abstraction. Creates tapestries of hand weaving usingcopyright technician. Lives and works in Lviv.

  • Community member since January 22nd, 2018
  • Kind of fine art:Painting


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019 International Art Exhibition "Autumn Salon. High Castle ”, Lviv. IV All-Ukrainian Triennial of Abstract ArtArt-ACT Exhibition. Vernissage Culture Center, Chernivtsi. All-Ukrainian Art Exhibition "Abstract Painting of Ukraine", Kyiv. 2018 Art Country. XII All-Ukrainian Exhibition Competition, Kyiv. Exhibition "Colors of the soul". NGO Colors of Life, Kyiv. All-Ukrainian Christmas Exhibition, Kiev. 2017 II All-Ukrainian Exhibition "From Earth to Sun." Vernissage Culture Center, Chernivtsi. Virtual Exhibition. Saatchi Art Gallery, London. The Art Cube. Project of the Vilnius Art Foundation, Lviv. International Art Exhibition "Autumn Salon. High Castle ”, Lviv. International Fund of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine. Second All-Ukrainian Exhibition-Contest of Fine and Decorative Arts, Kyiv. Third degree diploma. Collective exhibition of young artists. Art Gallery, Kyiv 15th Ukrainian Art Week International Contest for Contemporary Art. Topology of the modern, Kiev. Diploma I, II, III place. 2014 Triennial of Textiles. Exhibition Halls of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine, Kiev. 2012 Exhibition of diploma works of the Department of Art Textiles of LNAM Coral Gallery, Lviv.


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Graduated from the Lviv State College of Decorative and Applied Arts by Ivan Trush in the specialty textile artis (2007) and Lviv National Academy of Arts in the specialty textile artist, Master (2011).

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