Artist Nataly Mikhailiuk

Nataly Mikhailiuk

Artist from Russia

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About the artist Nataly Mikhailiuk

Nataly Mikhailiuk, a Russian pastel artist. She is a Member of National Pastel Society of Russia, Member of the Union of Artists, and Member of the Red Rock Pastel Society of Nevada (California, the USA) Her works can be found in private collections in the USA, Germany, Italy, France, Portugal, and Russia. She often participates in Russian and international exhibitions. -“ I found my key to happiness, i.e. harmony, piece, and love. I believe that my experience can help other people feel happy. It's all about my love and passion, sunshine on my canvases, soft pastel in my hands and making other people a bit happier. That’s the message hidden in my paintings. And that’s really important for me. I explored different types of drawing and painting materials, before I realized that soft pastel is my best medium. It helps me to create the tiniest lights and shadows, and makes paintings airy and light. Besides, I am a very tactile person, and I create all my art works with my fingers, putting light strokes with chalk pastels.” She used to hear from the audience, that her art works are true, warm and sincere. It means that her key task is solved. Her mission is to bring love and harmony through her paintings whenever their new home is at one’s private place or a hotel, in a restaurant, or an exhibition hall.

  • Community member since August 8th, 2021


2019, Sea Mood, Galleria S.Giorgio, Venice, Italy 2021, Russian Mansion, Museum of Art named for U.Karapaev, Moscow, Russia 2021, Soft Pastel through Centuries, Museum of Art named for U.Karapaev, Moscow, Russia


2019 ZNUI Tver/Russia Course of plainair painting 2016-2021 Architecture and Design Academy, Moscow, Russia Course of Academic Art (drawing and painting) 1994-1999 Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow Russia Economy and management

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