Artist Mykhailo Slepukhin

Mykhailo Slepukhin

Artist from Ukraine

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About the artist Mykhailo Slepukhin

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Today, the priorities of my lifestyle are constant development, improvement, social growth and personal artistic development. And my goals are the possibility of free self-expression and the unimpeded realization of one's own ideas using modern means, methods, and innovative technologies. I like to live in the rhythm of constant self-improvement and opening of new horizons. Currently, I have no ambitions, but I prefer calm but confident and planned activities. I try to live and act according to the phrase - everything around us is an opportunity, and if an opportunity does not fit, you can always create a new one.

  • Community member since June 6th, 2024
  • Open to taking custom orders
  • Open to collaboration with curators and galleries


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I started exhibiting my paintings in the art halls of the Dubenskaya Fortress when I was studying at the College of Culture and Arts. He also participated in exhibitions, Olympiads and competitions - from the artistic program and association of artists - Panorama Art, which were held in the cities of Kyiv, Lviv and Uzhgorod.


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I got acquainted with visual and decorative arts at school age, visiting art circles. He was engaged in creativity in an art studio in the city of Rivne. In 2021, he graduated from the College of Culture and Arts of RDSU, after which he worked in an art studio in the city of Kremenchug. I would like to mention that even while studying in college, I did various individual and private commissions in different techniques, styles and genres, according to the wishes of clients. Took part in various artistic contests, Olympiads and in the organization of events of various artistic and creative associations and studios. He cooperated with both experienced artists and collectives, as well as with creative youth and children. Also, at the same time, he improved and developed independently, performing conceptual works in various modern techniques. In 2023, I entered the academy, where I try to use the latest painting and decorative techniques, apply innovative artistic technologies in practice, and also study new methods, principles of modification of creative structures and their relevance, effectiveness today. My best achievement is winning premium places at all-Ukrainian and international competitions and Olympiads.

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