Artist Leonid Zaborovskiy

Leonid Zaborovskiy


Representative of the artist is Raritet-art
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About the artist Leonid Zaborovskiy

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Member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine. Honored Artist of Ukraine. Landscape artist.

  • Community member since December 18th, 2023


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Participates in all-Ukrainian art exhibitions since 1993. Personal exhibitions were held in Chernihiv in 1994–1999, Slavutych in 1996, Kyiv in 2006–2009, Odesa and St. Petersburg in 2009. The artist's works are stored in Chernihiv and Sevastopol art museums, art galleries of Russia, Greece, private collections in Europe and the USA.


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Odessa State Pedagogical University named after Konstantin Ushinsky (1992)

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