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Artist Legno alla Deriva

Legno alla Deriva

viviana satta

Artist from Italy

9 follower·92 following

About the artist Legno alla Deriva

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I am Viviana and I am a Sicilian artisan. During my long walks on the beach and in nature, I collect the most varied and strange forms of wood and waste that I find and I transform them. I observe, I let myself be inspired, I collect, I touch, I close my eyes and I realize who will be born from that element that I hold in my hands. My creatures are each different from the other, they are all designed to combine art and respect for the environment, they are all built with the heart, mine, which is deeply devoted to Mother Nature and her healing power of the soul. Knowing that the eye of one of my fish or the hair of one of my characters are one less waste in the sea, knowing that every single object can have one, two, a hundred other lives and transform into something beautiful, into a dream that you can touch with your own hands, are a constant stimulus in continuing my mission: Safeguard the planet~!

  • Community member since August 26th, 2024
  • Kind of fine art:Sculpture
  • Author of articles for Jose Art Gallery
  • Open to taking custom orders
  • Open to collaboration with curators and galleries
We don’t need magic to change the world: we already have within us all the power we need, we have the power to imagine things better than they are.”


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2022 - Marsala (TP) "Windows on the World" Museum 2022 - Cinisi (PA) Felicia and Peppino Impastato Memorial House 2023 - Trappeto (PA) Exhibition for the "Di Libri e Pensieri" event 2024 - Partinico (PA) Exhibition during World Refugee Day


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