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Artist Jorge Vargas

Jorge Vargas

Artist from Mexico

Representative of the artist is Monrock Collection
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About the artist Jorge Vargas

Mexican artist of figurative and abstract modern art, was born on October 19, 1950 in Mexico City. Graduated from the National School of Painting and Sculpture "La Esmeralda" (INBA). Studied Graphic Communication at the International Population Communication Center CIACOP of Costa Rica. His works have been published in the catalogs of the Museum of Modern Art of the State of Mexico and the National Museum of Death of Aguascalientes. His work is on permanent display at the Museum of the Americas in Havana Cuba, the Institute for the Dissemination of Spanish Culture in Barcelona Spain and the Museum of Modern Art of the State of Mexico. He was the autor of the Image and the bronze trophy of the Luminaria Festival in 2002.

  • Community member since October 9th, 2019
  • Kind of fine art:Painting


EXPOSICIONESColectivas 82 Individuales 16 OBRA PERMANENTE Museo de la Américas, La Habana, Cuba. Mural La Salud.Dirección General de Medicina Preventiva (SSA), México Instituto para la Difusión de la Cultura Española, Barcelona, España Museo de Arte Moderno del Estado de México, Toluca México “Ágora” del Parque Estado de México Naucalli, Naucalpan Estado de México. Museo Adolfo López Mateos.Atizapán Estado de México Restaurante “El Sibarita”, México, D.F. Elaboración de Imagen y trofeo en bronce del Festival Luminaria 2002, Escultura Monumental “EL ARBOL DE ATIZAPÁN”Palacio Municipal de Atizapán de Zaragoza Edo. Méx. Escultura “EL ÁRBOL DE ATIZAPAN” TEC. de Monterrey Zona Esmeralda, Atizapán Edo Méx. Mural Paseo Dominical en el Festival de las Artes Teatro Zaragoza Atizapán México. Museo Nacional de la Muerte, Aguascalientes Ags, México. Escultura Monumental “ATZÁN “Patio del Teatro Zaragoza Atizapán Méx. Busto del General Agustín Sosa Chávez Central de bomberos Navojoa Sonora Diseño de imagen Festival Luminaria 2002, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 , 2011, 2012 2013. 2014. Atizapán México.

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