Artist Ilya Hlyustov

Ilya Hlyustov

Artist from Russia

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About the artist Ilya Hlyustov

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The passion for painting was not spontaneous. Since childhood, I grew up in an environment filled with creativity. Mother is a folk vocalist who has been performing in a folk ensemble all her life. My father is a man who adores art with all his soul. It was from him that he filled our house with paintings by the wonderful artist, Lev Mikhailovich Mikhalev, antique porcelain and much more. And this, in turn, influenced my formation of a sense of reality through the prism of creative breathing. A visit to the fine arts club subsequently resulted in studying at a local pedagogical college with a degree in fine arts and drawing. Then there was an institute and education in cultural studies. Creativity faded into the background for many years. I occasionally wrote to order. Still lifes, portraits, landscapes. But only at the turn of certain life vicissitudes did I realize the primacy of the creative principle in my soul and, as a result, a new chapter in my life.

  • Community member since April 6th, 2024
  • Open to taking custom orders
  • Open to collaboration with curators and galleries
Through the thorns to the stars


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I received the basics of my artistic education in my early youth, in a fine art studio. I expanded and deepened this knowledge already in college. And he revealed himself as an artist, only after in a series of his own works.

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