Evgeniya Hurgri is the creator of the concise and at the same time expressive signature artwork. She works in different genres (landscapes, portraits, still life etc) using variety of mediums and tools: oil, sepia, charcoal, ink and others. The majority of her works show the complex interaction of the inner and external worlds and the concordant balance of the spiritual and material. Using basic techniques of academic drawings and paintings Evgeniya works in such styles of the visual art as realism, impressionism, futurism. Emphasized freedom of opinion, transformation of the reality through her personal prism of perception of the outside world and its uniqueness in all aspects and emotions fill her work. This is the only way to achieve high results in progress. Evgeniya’s works are not only emotionally charged but provoke reflection on time, its transiency and irrevocability, on what the future can bring us and how we are going to embrace it. Each moment is unique and thanks to its uniqueness it becomes beautiful beyond measure.
2005 - participation in the Art Exhibition "Boychukism" at the Kiev Art Institute of Decorative and Applied Art and Design. M. Boychuk. 2014 - personal exhibition of painting "The Concentration" at the Kiev Art Institute of Modeling and Design. S. Dali. 2017 - participation in the XIII International Festival of Youth Creativity and Pedagogical Innovations “Ukrainian Cup in Artistic Creativity”. 2017 - participation in the XIV International Exhibition of Contemporary Art, professional category, nomination: concept. 2018 - participation in the III International Art Pleene event "Painted Irpin"
2000 - 2004 - student of the Hadiach College of Culture and Arts. I.P. Kotlyarevsky, specialization: decorative and applied arts, teacher; diploma with honors; 2004 - 2010 - student of the Kiev Art Institute of Decorative and Applied Art and Design. M. Boichuk, specialty: Artist; 2013 - 2018 Graduate School of Kiev National University of Culture.