Artist Hres Kostiantyn

Hres Kostiantyn

Artist from Ukraine

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About the artist Hres Kostiantyn

I am an aspiring self-taught artist (sometimes I also experiments with poems and photographs) from Ukraine. In my works I explore the theme of all that black, that comes from the human mind - all that, extreme darkness. that we sometimes think about, but do not talk about it, do not embody it. In this case, there is only one way out of all this - to give all your thoughts, place the into some forms - photographs, canvas, text. So most attractive and most seductive of all - its only the purest and most terrible evil. It is all-embracing and all-consuming. Let me show it to you...

  • Community member since March 30th, 2024
  • Open to taking custom orders
  • Open to collaboration with curators and galleries
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