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Artist Hans Simtanda Caspersen

Hans Simtanda Caspersen

Artist from Denmark

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About the artist Hans Simtanda Caspersen

Hans Simtanda Caspersen born on the 29th of January 1980 in Tanga, Tanzania is a self taught emerging painter & ball pen drawer. He is based in Denmark, and his works have won a prize; he has participated in numerous exhibitions nationally. Internationally, his works are represented in — among others — Black Art In America, Singulart (Paris), Saatchi Art (London) & Shop VIDA (San Francisco), where he designs art inspired original quality apparel, accessories, and home decor products. Furthermore, 6 of his works have been accepted to appear in the 5th edition of “Current Masters V ” which will be published in October 2020 by World Wide Art Books Inc., he is therefore qualified to participate in the annual exhibition at the Southern Nevada Museum of Fine Arts & Metropolitan Gallery, in Las Vegas. He draws inspiration from a range of sources— from the martial arts philosophy Jeet Kune Do to the work of masters such as Picasso, Van Gogh, Dali & Basquiat. He considers himself a unifying artist, and work within his own style of expression: QBEYONDISM, which unites typical features from established artistic styles to result in a fascinating fusion of colour, form and perspective.

  • Community member since May 22nd, 2019
  • Kind of fine art:Painting


2015 Black Art in America™ and the Silverparker Group / Bentonville Fine Art Show - Bentonville, Arkansas, United States 2014 Art Money / GALLERI BREDGADE 22 - Copenhagen, Denmark 2002 The Artists' Autumn Exhibition / The Free Exhibition Building - Copenhagen, Denmark 2002 Øksnehallen | DGI-city / Vesterbro - Copenhagen, Denmark


Hans Simtanda Caspersen is an educated Web-integrator, who graduated after 6 months from Copenhagen Technical College back in 2010.

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