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Artist H kT

H kT

Artist from Netherlands

2 follower·7 following

About the artist H kT

Abstract Painter, HkT’s artistic drive comes from a unrelenting passion to make Artwork that touches the soul and heals the spirit. Typical art by HkT, is created in love to heal, inspire and elevate, all who view the artwork. Working with energy, in a cacophony of colours, through vibrations in a truly unique way. HKT's latest work embraces the scientific experiments surrounding the theory of "visual sound", taking abstract painting into esoteric realms. The unseen elements in this artists work is their use of energy, vibrations and sound frequencies used on oils, making the energy of sound visible, and encapsulating it, on the canvas forever. This unique detail, is revealed upon closer inspection. Which is the reason, viewing the artwork up-close, in-depth and in as much detail as possible is suggested by the artist. Viewers often remark, on an almost “magnetic attraction”, to the physical painting. Which helps the work to reveal it’s microscopic detail in full glory.

  • Community member since January 29th, 2020
  • Kind of fine art:Painting


Private exhibitions undisclosed.


BSc (Upperclass Hons) with various interdisciplinary professional certifications and academic qualifications.

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