Artist elegantchikova


Elena Gantchikova

Artist from France

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About the artist elegantchikova

Welcome to the wonderful world of my creative imagination. PhD in music and art history, born in Moscow, living in Paris, Elena Gantchikova a.k.a. Elegantchikova is a high profile multidisciplinary experimental artist surrealist & music composer, who is experimenting and exploring the fusion of academic arts techniques with the latest technological advancements of today. She divides her time between creativity, research and teaching. With an Absolute pitch, and synesthesia hearing colors, she works in the field of art synthesis research, in which the end result of research becomes a work of art. Since childhood, Elena received musical, theatrical, artistic, photographic, literary, mathematical and humanitarian education, following the tradition of their artistic family. She divides her time between creative and educational activities in various forms: the creation of multimedia installations, videos, musical instrumental and electro-acoustic pieces, sound sculptures, photos, paintings and collages, performance, research, writing, music and art journalism, blogging and education. All interests, skills, time and efforts of Elena Gantchikova are focused on experiments in the field of art synthesis, combining traditional techniques and the latest technologies. Each of her works is addressed to all channels of human perception. Her first conceptual multimedia project, combining his works in electroacoustic and symphonic music, photos, videos, installations, sound sculptures, ballet and poetry, was presented to the public in 1995 at the Berlin Academy of Arts and the am Marstall gallery. Since then, she has been perfecting her skills, expanding her means of expression and continuing to experiment.

  • Community member since January 7th, 2024
  • Kind of fine art:Digital Art
  • Open to taking custom orders
  • Open to collaboration with curators and galleries
The wind makes the flames burn more intensely. Likewise, the talent given to us from above does not wither in trials, but matures. Michelangelo


Automatic translation

Visual Artist at Elena Gantchikova Composer, pianist, artist in Piano Alliancepiano Composer at Musicista Composer worked at the company "IRCAM" She studied at the AMU at the Moscow State Conservatory named after P.I. Tchaikovsky Graduated from Moscow art school Studied at CNSMDP Studied at Paul Sacher Stiftung Studied at TU Berlin Studied at IRCAM (Acoustic/Music Research and Coordination Institute) Studied at EHESS (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales) Studied at Alliance Française Studied at the University of Paris IV-Sorbonne Studied at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris

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