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Artist Edit Hermkens

Edit Hermkens

Artist from Hungary

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About the artist Edit Hermkens

Edit Hermkens is a very expressive figurative artist inspired by nature who likes to paint en plein air. She is embracing and worshipping nature's beauties, depicting wild flowers, water plants and animals with vivid colors and agitated, passionate paintbrush movement, projecting her imagination and emotions onto the surrounding environment. Her animal portraits represent human-like characters, e.g. her sheep are symbols of inner purity, innocence and suffering.

  • Community member since January 16th, 2019


Public appearances: collective: - Kisoroszi, 2015 - Sport Museum “Ezüstgerely” competition, Budapest, 2016 - Regional Art Center (REÖK), Szeged, 2017 - Miniart, Rijeka, 2018 individual: - Tiszavirág Hotel Szeged, 2016 - Somogyi Library József Sófi Foundation for Talents, 2016 - Tiszavirág Hotel Szeged, 2017 - Hattyúház, Public Library Kiskunfélegyháza, 2018 - Autumn Exhibition, Hódmezővásárhely, 7 November 2018 In 2016, I became a member of the National Association of Hungarian Creative Artists (MAOE).


During my work, I have faced series of questions about the representation of nature, the function and the relation of painted pictures to artistic traditions, and to close and distant predecessors. I do not feel the need to engage the process of creation or the artwork with a sacred aura, and I do not endow myself with the mythical power of redemption. It is the connection with nature what stands in the center of my interest, and through my works I am trying to transmit these feelings and energy towards the viewers. During the process of creation, I strive for harmonious artwork which dissolves in the fullness of existence and materialize through lively colors, rich lighting effects and sensual surfaces.

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