Holiday Sale
Artist Bob Ruscansky

Bob Ruscansky

Artist from United States

9 follower·3 following

About the artist Bob Ruscansky

I am a professional photographer since 1970 Working for various News Papers and Magazines. Leather Neck Publication,. Boston Herald, Boston Globe, Patriot Ledger. I still shoot films. Even better, I mostly shoot films. My lab loves me. I've been a professional photographer for more than 30 years. I guess this would explain my penchant for the film. I shoot landscapes and architecture in my free time, but I'm still trying to figure out what exactly that is and how to make it happen more often.

  • Community member since March 9th, 2023
  • Kind of fine art:Photography
  • Open to taking custom orders
  • Open to collaboration with curators and galleries


New England School of Photography

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