Artist Bianca Davis

Bianca Davis

Artist from United States

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About the artist Bianca Davis

The aesthetic of a darker nature is a vital element of my work. There is unfounded elegance within that nature that should be expressed. In my paintings, figures are the focus of the subject and with the power of storytelling, depict a narrative that displays a harmony of darkness and beauty. My figures are often performing an action or placed in an environment to tell a story. These figures come in multiple characteristics and often have a carnal personality such as seductive or terror to engage the audience via enticement or excitement. In my artwork, the object is not only to tell a story to entertain, but to show the sublime of macabre. I am interested in the melancholy and carnal nature of humanity. There’s a reason why we tell stories of monsters and dark folklore. To warn, to entice obedience amongst the masses, and simply for entertainment, but these fictional beings were born from a mind that’s a bit dark. Therefore, I wish to reveal these darker essence in an elegant aesthetic form.

  • Community member since October 10th, 2023
  • Open to taking custom orders
  • Open to collaboration with curators and galleries
“If people knew how hard I had to work to gain my mastery, it would not seem so wonderful at all.” – Michelangelo.


I graduated from College for Creative Studies in 2020. I received my Bachelor's Degree of Fine Arts in Illustration.

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