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Artist Andrey Shuvalov

Andrey Shuvalov

Artist from Russia

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About the artist Andrey Shuvalov

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Andrey Shuvalov was born in the city of Ivanovo 31. 03. One thousand nine hundred eighty nine I would like my work to be seen by as many people as possible. I devote all my free time to drawing. This allows me to cope with the difficulties of everyday life, lack of communication and loneliness. In my work, I find the harmony of existence. I work as a teacher of drawing, painting, composition, teaching children of different ages. At school, I teach realistic representation of reality, and in my work I go into the world of fantasy, dissolve in it… I draw the cosmos, fictional realities, the very process of imagination allows you to feel the atmosphere of the world or a state that can not be felt in my real life. In my paintings, I use bright, rich, almost pure colors to get away from the gray everyday life that envelops everyday life. Sometimes I choose a limited color and try to come to color harmony. Sometimes I repeat myself in coloristic solutions, but I try to come up with my own color scheme in each new story. They say that the most valuable thing in a picture is its incompleteness, when the artist gives the viewer the opportunity to come up with his own interpretation of what he saw. I try to complete, finish, bring to a harmonious unity, balance all the components of my stories. This is inherent in my essence, even randomness needs order. Perhaps there is too much in my life that is unclear, unrealized, undisclosed. Therefore, I strive for all possible harmony in painting. Any picture is a self-portrait of its author, revealing the spiritual depth of consciousness. But at the same time, the finished work belongs not only to the Creator, the viewer meeting the image, passing it through his perception, gives the work of art a meaning understandable only to him. Art should be seen, because it is a source of inspiration for moving forward, serves as a bridge among different people and cultures. In my city, Ivanovo, there are very few opportunities to realize your creativity. Few connoisseurs of painting. I don't know the English language. I want to try, find, sell my painting or drawing to art lovers abroad.

  • Community member since January 17th, 2020
  • Kind of fine art:Painting


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Main stages of creative activity: 2008-diploma for the work "Supernova" at the all-Russian exhibition "Images of science" in Moscow. 2009-diploma of the III degree in the all-Russian competition for " project of equipment for a children's room» 2010-exhibition of watercolors "Spring landscape" in Shuya; 2011 - "Dialogue with the cosmos" - exhibition of paintings and graphic compositions at the art school of Ivanovo; 2013-educational pictorial and graphic works performed in various techniques and materials in the walls of the school; 2014-exhibition - "Painting and Graphics" in the city Hall of Ivanovo; 2015-permanent participant of exhibitions of the Union of artists: "Summer Vernissage", "Winter Vernissage", "Ah, what a woman", "Black and white", landscape exhibition "For the 145th anniversary of the city of Ivanovo" - in the Union of artists of Russia Ivanovo regional Department and city Hall, 2016-exhibition of compositions "Fantastic journey" in the gallery Creative Association Sheremetyevo-Center of the state University of Ivanovo; 2016-III all-Russian art exhibition with international participation " Science and Space in the service of peace. Tsiolkovsky-Korolev-Gagarin "with compositions - " Mysteries of space" and "peaceful space". 2017-participation in the international competition "Culture for a green planet" within the framework of the III pan-European festival marathon with landscapes. 2019-participation in the art exhibition on the moon "Echo of Earth" of the League of lovers of beauty. 2019-personal exhibition of landscape "Painting-Graphics" in the house-Museum of Boris Ivanovich Prorokov 2019-personal exhibition of painting "Seasons" in the city Hall of Ivanovo


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Education and training: 2004-Municipal Budget Educational Institution of Additional education Children's Art School; 2008-Ivanovo regional art school. Mark Ivanovich Malyutin, Department of subject design; 2013-Ivanovo State University, Shuya branch. since 2009, she has been a teacher of drawing, painting, and composition at the Children's art school in Ivanovo.

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