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Artist Andrey Kovalenko

Andrey Kovalenko

Artist from Ukraine

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About the artist Andrey Kovalenko

Andrey Kovalenko “Action has magic…” (Goethe) Andrey Kovalenko was born on 20-th of October, 1976, in Odessa, Ukraine. His parents, the artist Yuriy Kovalenko and the artist Svetlana Kovalenko-Shvedova, surrounded him with love and care fr om the yearly childhood. Every summer Andriy Kovalenko spent in age-old town Pryluky. The unique beauty of the town, its distinctive character, traditions, picturesque nature with its mysterious forests and spiritual atmosphere formed inspiration as well as refined, particular perception of the future artist. In 1991 A. Kovalenko entered painting pedagogical department of Odessa State Art College named after M. B. Grekov (the teachers: O. B. Dekina, V. I. Ostasheva, E. P. Kuchinskaya, P. I. Borisyuk, K. V. Filatov). When he entered the art college, he was displaying no eagerness to painting. With the time the feeling of creative process, companionship of the art college mates (E. Petrov and A. Litovkin) gradually changed the world view of Andrey, he began to understand his mission. In 1996, a few months before defending diploma, the first personal exhibition of A. Kovalenko in the Exhibition Hall of the Artist Union of Ukraine took place. The diploma defense (the presentation of the paintings “Evening”, “Music”) was held under the scientific leadership of his teacher Valentin Andreyevich Zaharchenko. Upon graduation fr om Odessa State Art College named after M. B. Grekov, the artist went on journey to the cities of Kiev and St. Petersburg, following the results of which he decided not to enter further educational institutions, but to begin directly and fruitfully to embody his creative conceptions. In April, 2000, a personal exhibition of A. Kovalenko took place in Odessa Museum of Eastern and Western Art. In December of the same year Andrey won in the contest “Choose Your Dream”, and so was granted with organization and holding of a personal exhibition in the house museum of I. Kavaleridze (Andriyivskyy Descent, Kiev). Andrey’s father, Yuriy Andreyevich Kovalenko, sharp wittedly named the event “Andrey’s ascent”. The exhibition was a success; the artist’s paintings were purchased by Kiev collectors. Elated with success, being motivated with new positive emotions and impressions, A. Kovalenko set about working more persistently, finding new opportunities to express his perception of the world through the medium of his paintings. That time the prominent artworks “The Red Tram”, “The Storks”, “Autumn for Two”, “The Dream”, “The Mother of Forests”, “The Bridge upon the River of Dreams” were painted. The artist started co-operation with the art-club “Rakurs”, took part in a series of joint exhibitions and plain-airs. In 2005 A. Kovalenko was invited for co-operation and carrying on his creative labour in St. Petersburg, where he was engaged in artistic endeavour for a month. During this period the artist took part in joint exhibition of Petersburg and Moscow artists “The “Petersburg-Venice” Express”, (the gallery “National Centre”, St. Petersburg). These years A. Kovalenko gained acceptance of the art collectors (M. Knobel, S. Vernik, E. Demenyuk and the others), and demand for his artworks. One of Andrey’s paintings is in private collection of Yuriy Shevchuk, a leader of a popular rock band “DDT”. In 2008, the artist entered the National Artist Union of Ukraine. The same year another personal exhibition of the artist was held in Odessa Art Museum, which was successful in all respects. Four years on, in 2012, the same museum hosted the exhibition “Existensions”, where artworks painted during 2008-2012 were presented. Such colourful paintings as “Awakening”, “Middle-Winter”, “Once upon a Time”, “Fish-Day”, “A House of a Good Man” became the hallmark of this period. In 2013 the artist spent summer travelling in Poland (plain-air “Sakrum” in Tukhov city) and in southern Italy, wh ere the series of artworks were painted. As an outcome of his creative trips in spring of the next year the exhibitions took place in Odessa (in the gallery“Markoff” and artcafé “Salieri”). A. Kovalenko often visits Pryluky, the hometown of his father, wh ere at the suggestion of Pryluky Local History Museum named after V. I. Maslov the exhibition “Welcomed by the City” was held. A. Kovalenko carries on a fruitful and creative life, by taking up an active life and social position. He is a supervisor of the exhibition of Y. Kovalenko in the Museum of Modern Art of Odessa. A. Kovalenko goes on taking part in various art projects, plain-airs, co-operation with art galleries. The paintings of A. Kovalenko are in Odessa Art Museum, Museum of Modern Art of Odessa, Kiev house museum named after I. Kavaleridze, Kiev Art Museum named after T. G. Shevchenko, in private collections in Ukraine, Moldova, Russia, Japan, USA.

  • Community member since February 16th, 2018


Automatic translation

The artist lives and works in Odessa. Personal exhibitions: 2014 – “Where Pinocchio was born”, “MARKOFF” gallery, Odessa 2013 – “Welcomed by the City”, Pryluky Local History Museum, Pryluky 2013 – Personal exhibition of paintings in the National Artists Union of Ukraine, Odessa 2012 – “Someday... ”, the World-Wide Club of Odessites, Odessa 2012 – “Existentions”, Odessa Art Museum (catalogue) 2009 – Personal exhibition in the Art Cafe “Coffee Fan”, Odessa 2008 – “Andrey is painting”, Odessa Art Museum (catalogue) 2007 – “Prosvita” Society, Odessa 2000 – “On the Wings of a Dream”, House Museum of I. Kavaleridze, Kiev 2000 – Museum of Western and Eastern Art, Odessa 1998 – “Christmas Project”, Terra Incognita Gallery, Odessa 1996 – Artists Union of Ukraine, Exhibition Hall, Odessa Group exhibitions: 2014 – Exhibition dedicated to 200 years anniversary of birth of T. G. Shevchenko, Odessa Museum of Western and Eastern Art 2013 - Artists Union foundation 75-th anniversary exhibition, National Artists Union of Ukraine, Kiev 2013 - "Sakrum", exhibition following the plein-air outcomes, Tuchów, Poland 2013 - "New Collection" M. Knobel’s collection, Museum of Western and Eastern Art, Odessa 2013 - Spring painting exhibition, Artists Union of Ukraine Exhibition Hall, Odessa 2012 - "Wonderful World of Pirosmani", St. Michael the Archangel’s Nunnery Charity House Exhibition Hall, Odessa 2012 - "Vector of Five" Museum of Western and Eastern Art, Odessa 2012 - "Mountains Inspire", Lvov Palace of Arts, Lvov 2012 - "Mountains Inspire", Slavskoye, Lvov region 2012 – Exhibition from M. Knobel’s collection, Vorontsov Palace, Odessa 2011 - "Autemnal Sketch", Art Gallery (Poltava Museum of Art named after N. Yaroshenko), Poltava 2010 - Exhibition of young artists, Artists Union of Ukraine, Exhibition Hall, Odessa 2010 – Exhibition following the outcomes of the plain-air in Bar town of Vinnitsa region, Gallery "Perspective", Odessa 2008 – Odessa Biennale "Life Zone", Museum of Modern Art, Odessa 2008 – Exhibition dedicated to Mother’s Day, Artists Union of Ukraine, Exhibition Hall, Odessa 2008 - "Picturesque Ukraine", Dnepropetrovsk 2008 - "The Generation", Artists Union of Ukraine, Exhibition Hall, Odessa 2007 - "Picturesque Ukraine", Ternopol 2006 – International Autemn Saloon "High Castle", Lvov (catalogue) 2006 - "Picturesque Ukraine", Museum of Western and Eastern Art, Odessa 2006 - "Worlds, Ways and Dreams", Dnepropetrovsk Art Museum 2006 - "Youth Exhibition", Kiev 2006 - "Exhibition of Landscape Painting ", Poltava 2005 - "Espress Train "Petersburg - Venetia", Gallery "National Center" , St. Petersburg, Russia 2005 - "Odessa Wave", Prague, Chech Republic 2005 - "140th Anniversary of the Art College named after Grekov", "Maritime Gallery", Odessa 2005 - "Dogs Vernissage ", Gallery "Dialogue", Odessa 2005 - "Picturesque Ukraine", Kirovograd 2005 - "Devotion to Bacchus", Gallery "Dialogue", Odessa 2004 - "Picturesque Ukraine ", Simferopol 2002 – International Autumnal Saloon "Hight Castle", Lvov (catalogue) 2002 - "The Three", Exhibition Hall of the Artists Union of Ukraine, Odessa 2002 - "Youth Exhibition", Kiev 2001 - "Artist’s Day", Kiev 2001 – Exhibition of Young Artists of Odessa, "Maritime Gallery", Odessa 2001 - Project "Ways of Pace", Odessa Art Museum 2001 - "Odesseuses", International Center of Greece Culture, Odessa 2001 - "Eternal Youth", Exhibition Hall of the Artists Union of Ukraine, Odessa 2000 - Exhibition following plein-air outcomes "Taras’ Mountain", Kanev 1999 - "Dominoes Fairy Show ", Gallery "Black&White", Odessa 1999 - "Colours of Odessa ", Kiev 1998 - "Anti-Figurative Painting", Gallery "Thyrsus ", Odessa 1995 – Exhibition of Odessa State Art College students, Odessa 1993-2000 - "Autemnal Exhibition", Odessa

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