Anatoly Popov is a professional sculptor. After graduating from a youth art school in his home city, he entered Pensa Artistic College in 2011 and then earned a Bachelor degree at Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture in 2017. Thus, he has dedicated 11 years of his life to higher professional education, and keeps enhancing the style and techniques for the futher life, adhering to the school of realism and principles of fine art aestetics. The artist's inspiration can be ignited by a wide variety of topics. Most of the works are dedicated to historical or mythological images and personalities, which is an eternal topic reinterpreted from generation to generation. Occasionally the topic of nature and wildlife enters the portfolio, with the wonderful relationships often much closer to people's feelings than it seems. The artist is deeply convinced that a piece of art must give aesthetic pleasure to the viewer, inspire and let him or her experience the beauty of the world independently from the selected topic. In any work a lot of attention is dedicated to the sculpture's plastic component: aesthetics and dynamics of the composition, the harmony of visual rhythms. The composition lies at the core of any creation, allowing to convey the feeling and mood of sculpture. At the same time the viewer can always find a lot of details catching the eye and inviting to examine, while in some of the works decorative elements can reveal the whole story.
2024: Circle Foundation for the Arts contest 2022: Art Renewal Center contest 2018: Camelback Gallery Competition 2018: American Art Awards contest 2018: “Russian Arts Premium” 2017: “Aqua Arts” – International Exhibition of modern art 2016: “Russian Youth” by National Artists’ Union 2015: “Russian Art Week” 2015: “Youth Exhibition” by Moscow Artists’ Union 2014: “Russian Art Week” 2014: “Steps to Mastery” – International Festival of Youth Art
Anatoly Popov obtained special professional education in Pensa Artistic College in 2011 and then earned a Bachelor degree at Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture in 2017.