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Artist from India

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About the artist ANAND MANCHIRAJU

Anand Manchiraju is an internationally acclaimed, award-winning artist based in India. Living close to Himalaya Mountains, he is inspired by the splendors of nature although his subjects vary from landscapes to cityscapes, still life, figurative, portraits, some digital art and Hindu gods and goddesses. Anand considers himself an artist by birth, photographer by profession and sculptor by practice. He is an experimentalist at heart. He enjoys experimenting with art style, medium and the tools he uses. He has worked with traditional oils on canvas, acrylics on canvas to his own unique mediums - photographic chemicals on bromides (which he calls photo-paintings) and oil and acrylic on x-ray films. Anand’s artistic style ranges from impressionistic to abstract. He recently received 2 artist cash grants from Exhbizone Grand Prize and Planetarium both in 2022. Anand Manchiraju Artist Biography Indian Anand Manchiraju developed a passion in his childhood for painting, influenced by his father, a famous artist. Upon graduation from JNTU, India, Anand started a career as an artist in government. He has also been involved in promoting arts for 30 years as President of Andhra Academy of Arts. He has completed over 3000 artworks and has also been honored with 30 solo shows across India. In addition, Anand has participated in international exhibitions across the world winning numerous awards for his work. PUBLICATIONS- TOP FEATURED ARTIST- 2024 https://www.arttourinternational.com/anand-swaroop-manchiraju-top-featured-artist-2024/

  • Community member since June 11th, 2020
  • Kind of fine art:Painting


Conducted various painting and photo-painting exhibitions in prominent art galleries across India. The exhibitions received critical applause from the press & T.V as well as enthusiastic response from the art lovers. Some significant shows include: o Icon Art, Hyderabad, 2017 o State Academy of Fine Arts, Hyderabad – 2016, 2011 o Muse Art Gallery, Hyderabad 2012 o Andhra Academy Of Arts, Vijayawada - 2010 o Siddhartha College, Vijayawada - 2007 o Indraprasth Art Gallery,Delhi-2005 o Bajaj Art Gallery, Mumbai - 2003, 1993 o Nehru Centre, Worli, Mumbai - 1999 o Lalit Kala Academy, N.Delhi - 1999, 1995, 1991 o Jahanhgir Art Gallery, Mumbai - 1997, 1992 o Triveni Gallery, New Delhi - 1993 o India international Center, Lodi Road, N.Delhi. - 1992 o Academy of Fine Arts, Calcutta - 1992 o Lalit Kala academy, Regional Center, Madras – 1991, 1990 o Kirti Art gallery FORE, B-18, Qutub Institutional area, N.Delhi - 1991 o Lalit kala Academy, Lucknow - 1989 o Rashtrapati Bhawan, New Delhi. - 1978 o Andhra Academy of Arts, Vijayawada - 1974 o Raj Bhawan, Hyderabad – 1968 Juried Group Exhibitions/awards:  The Honorable prize awardee and online exhibition in competition “Awesome Art Prizes Spring Edition 2020”, https://sidearts.com/ -an independent online curatorial platform.  View Points 2020, Studio Montclair, Montclair, NJ  4th Annual Black & White Exhibition , 2020, Online Art Exhibition, Fusion Art, Palm Springs, CA  5th Annual Animal Kingdom Exhibition, 2020, Online Art Exhibition, Fusion Art, Palm Springs, CA  All Cityscape art competition, Online Art Exhibition,2020, The Contemporary Art Gallery Online  Special Recognition Award Certificate, and online exhibition “Botanicals”, 2020, Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery  Special Recognition Award Certificate, and online exhibition “Created in Isolation” 2020, Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery  Abstract Art exhibition, 2020, Sacramento Fine Arts Center, Carmichael, CA  Windows Into The World, 2020, Chico Art Center, Chico, CA  International Art Exhibition, Indian Artist Network, Jakarta, Singapore, Dubai – 2007  National Kala Mela, LKA, New Delhi - 1994, 1986, 1978  Indian Biennially of Photography Exhibition, LKA New Delhi – 1993  Artist camps, Andhra Academy of Arts, Vijayawada – 1996, 1994, 1991, 1987 Awards o Got several state awards in painting and photography during 1961, 1965, 1969, 1976, 1981, 1982 & 1987. o Awarded by Government of Andhra Pradesh in 1964, 1969 & 1976Website: Artsy & HUG Instagram: @artistanandmanchiraju Art Tour International: https://www.arttourinternational.com/anand-swaroop-manchiraju-top-featured-artist-2024/ Featured Artist: https://www.fusionartgallery.art/anand-manchiraju/


Diploma in Photography Govt.College of Fine Arts & Arch. J.N.T.U Hyderabad Certificate course in Color Photo Technology, Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehradun

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