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Artist Alessandro Passaro

Alessandro Passaro

Artist from Italy

Representative of the artist is Primo Piano Livingallery
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About the artist Alessandro Passaro

In the works by Alessandro Passaro there is a reflection on the physical dimension of painting, a theory of movement capable of mobilizing different material planes that make color explode to us with a gestural and declarative painting expressed in the tensions that govern it.

  • Community member since July 8th, 2019


2012 Perdita di tempo, Cantieri teatrali Koreja,Lecce 2011 She’s me (scismi), ArtandArs Gallery, Galatina (LE) 2009 Intrans sito, Galleria RivaArtecontemporanea, Lecce 2008 Infuori, a cura di Ivan Quaroni, Galleria Paolo Erbetta Foggia.

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