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Contemporary Art Landscape Painting On the road by painter Ttv oil canvas
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On the road

Original artwork, 150×60 cm, 2023
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Characteristics of the Painting “On the road”

Year of creation2023
Dimensions150 W × 60 H × 3 D   cm
Type of artpainting
Stylecontemporary art
Materialsoil, canvas
Type of packagingcardboard box
loomdevicetextile machinesmachinebird feederArchitectureOldStructurecitytripsbuildingskyhousewallHistoricallandscapebeautycanvaspicturedesigninteriora giftinvestmentdecornature

Description of the Artwork “On the road”

Automatic translation

Ukrainian artist Taras Tryndyk embodies beautiful landscapes in a unique and unique manner on a wide canvas that looks great in any interior and creates a unique soulful image of the surrounding space. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKGQfo7l19Q https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btluzXxVbpY This picture is a majestic landscape in which the elements of nature are harmoniously intertwined. The artist recreated a stunning picture of nature, conveying the grandeur and beauty of the area. The landscape is striking in its depth and perspective, creating a sense of space and volume. The artist skillfully recreated the play of light and shadow in the clearing, emphasizing the dynamics and liveliness of the landscape. The landscape conveys calm and tranquility, allowing the viewer to take a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. The artist managed to capture the moment of meditation in nature, inspiring the viewer to reflect and immerse himself in the harmony of the surrounding world. The picture evokes a feeling of admiration and reverence.

Artwork in the interior

About the artist

Ttv, Ukraine

Tryndyk Taras https://www.facebook.com/Taras.Trindik.Painting On the spaces of large canvases - the search for beauty. Color harmonies emerge from an expressively tempting play of spots - turquoise, orange-brown and blue, red, rose gold and green. Their rhythm is slow. Taras Viktorovich Tryndyk was born on May 1, 1973 in Dneprodzerzhinsk. From 1989 to 1994 he studied at the Dnepropetrovsk Art College. In 1997 he moved to Dnepropetrovsk. Since 2001, his active exhibition activity began. In 2002, the first personal exhibition took place in the Dnepropetrovsk Art Museum. Permanent participant of all-Ukrainian, regional exhibitions. Works are in private collections in Ukraine, CIS countries. Works in the field of painting. Lives and works in Dnepropetrovsk. "For whom is the painting of Taras Tryndyk? Probably, after all, for you and me. For those who want to enjoy the beauty of thought and feeling, think about many things for their own pleasure: about planetary and cellular, eternal and momentary, about tempting interesting processes of analysis and synthesis.This is facilitated by the kaleidoscopic nature of decorative painting, whose components oppose or get along with each other, flare up in their color or darken, becoming more intense, acquiring a low sound in the musical canvas of the written. wilds, and without fuss joyfully goes through life. Such paintings will be liked by their colors, the ability to enliven any interior. Changing under different lighting conditions, easily and unobtrusively, they will delight everyone day after day, without pretending to be more." Russian: Taras Tryndyk is a Ukrainian artist known for his unique style and creative vision. On the spaces of large canvases, he is looking for beauty. Color harmonies emerge from expressive and alluring splashes of turquoise, orange-brown, blue, red, rose gold and green. The rhythm of his work is unhurried. Taras Viktorovich Tryndyk was born on May 1, 1973 in Dneprodzerzhinsk. From 1989 to 1994 he studied at the Dnepropetrovsk Art College. In 1997 he moved to Dnepropetrovsk. Since 2001, his active exhibition activity began. In 2002, the first solo exhibition took place in the Dnepropetrovsk Art Museum. He is a permanent participant of all-Ukrainian and regional exhibitions. His works are in private collections in Ukraine and CIS countries. Tryndyk works in the field of painting and lives in Dnepropetrovsk. His paintings attract those who wish to enjoy the beauty of thought and feeling, to think about the planetary and cellular, eternal and momentary, about the temptingly interesting processes of analysis and synthesis. They represent a kaleidoscopic decorative painting, where its components oppose or harmonize with each other, flare up in their color or become darker, more intense, acquire a low sound in the musical composition. At the same time, Tryndyk's paintings will appeal to those who joyfully perceive life without unnecessary fuss. With their vibrant colors and ability to bring any interior to life, they change easily and unobtrusively in different lighting conditions and will please everyone day after day without pretending to be more. Ukrainian: Taras Trindik is a Ukrainian artist, who is inspired by his unique style and creative architecture. In the vastness of the great canvases of the wines, beauty is seen. With a wonderfully enchanting grime of turquoise, orange-brown, black, red, rozhe-golden and green, color harmonies are vindicated. Rhythm yoga works non-stress. Taras Viktorovich Tryndik was born on May 1, 1973 in Dniprodzerzhinsk. From 1989 to 1994 he studied at the Dnipropetrovsk Art School. In 1997, the company moved to Dnipropetrovsk. Since 2001, yoga began to be active in exhibition activities. In 2002, the first personal exhibition was held at the Dnipropetrovsk Art Museum. Vin is a permanent participant of all-Ukrainian and regional exhibitions. Yogo robots are found in private collections in Ukraine and the lands of the CIS. Tryndik works in the gallery of painting and lives near Dnipropetrovsk. Some pictures are added quietly, who want to enjoy the beauty of thought and feel, think about the planetary and clitin, eternal and fleeting, about the hoary processes of analysis and synthesis. The stinks represent a kaleidoscopicity of decorative painting, de yogo warehouses stand out or harmonize one with one, grow up in their color or become gloomy, tense, know a low sound in a musical composition. At one time, Tryndik's paintings are worthy of those who take life with a grain of salt without embellishments. With their bright colors that revitalize the building, be it an interior, the stench easily and unobtrusively change with different lighting and will delight everyone from day to day, without pretending to be more. English: Taras Tryndyk is a Ukrainian artist known for his unique style and creative vision. In the vastness of large canvases, he searches for beauty. From the expressive and enticing play of turquoise, orange-brown, blue, red, pink-gold, and green spots, color harmonies emerge. The rhythm of his works is unhurried. Taras Viktorovich Tryndyk was born on May 1, 1973, in Dniprodzerzhynsk. From 1989 to 1994, he studied at the Dnipropetrovsk Art School. In 1997, he moved to Dnipro. His active exhibition activity began in 2001. In 2002, his first solo exhibition took place at the Dnipropetrovsk Art Museum. He is a regular participant in national and regional exhibitions. His works are found in private collections in Ukraine and the CIS countries. Tryndyk works in the field of painting and resides in Dnipro. His paintings appeal to those who want to enjoy the beauty of thought and feeling, to reflect on the planetary and cellular, the eternal and the momentary, the intriguing processes of analysis and synthesis. They represent the kaleidoscope of decorative painting, where its elements either compete or harmonize with each other, unfolding in their colorfulness or becoming darker, more intense, acquiring a low resonance in the musical composition. At the same time, Tryndyk's paintings will appeal to those who joyfully embrace life without unnecessary complications. With their vibrant colors and the ability to enliven any interior, they easily and subtly change with different lighting and will bring daily joy to everyone without claiming more. French: Taras Tryndyk est un artiste ukrainien connu pour son style unique et sa vision creative. Sur de grandes toiles, il recherche la beauté. A partir du jeu expressif et séduisant de taches turquoise, orangé-brun, bleues, rouges, rosées-dorées et vertes, des harmonies de couleurs se dessinent. Le rythme de ses œuvres est paisible. Taras Viktorovich Tryndyk est ne le 1er mai 1973 à Dniprodzerzhynsk. De 1989 à 1994, il a étudié à l'école d'art de Dnipropetrovsk. En 1997, il deménage à Dnipro. Son activité d'exposition active a débuté en 2001. En 2002, sa première exposition personnelle a eu lieu au musée d'art de Dnipropetrovsk. Il participe régulièrement à des expositions nationales et régionales. Ses œuvres se trouvent dans des collections privées en Ukraine et dans les pays de la CEI. Tryndyk travaille dans le domaine de la peinture et réside à Dnipro. Ses tableaux attirent ceux qui veulent savourer la beauté de la pensée et du sentiment, réfléchir sur le planétaire et le cellulaire, l'éternel et l'instantané, les processus intrigants d'analyse et de synthèse. Ils représentent le kaléidoscope de la peinture décorative, où ses éléments soit rivalisent, soit s'harmonisent les uns avec les autres, se déploient dans leur coloration ou deviennent plus sombres, plus intenses, acquérant une résonance faible dans la compositione. Dans le même temps, les peintures de Tryndyk plairont à ceux qui embrassent joyeusement la vie sans complications inutiles. Avec leurs couleurs vives et leur capacité à animer n'importe quel intérieur, elles changent facilement et subtilement avec différents éclairages et apportent chaque jour de la joie à tous, sans prétendre à plus. German: Taras Tryndyk ist ein ukrainischer Künstler, bekannt für seinen einzigartigen Stil und seine creative Vision. Auf großen Leinwänden sucht er nach Schönheit. Aus dem expressiven und verlockenden Der Rhythmus seiner Werke ist entspannt. Taras Viktorovich Tryndyk wurde am 1. Mai 1973 in Dniprodzerzhynsk geboren. Von 1989 bis 1994 studierte er an der Dnipropetrowsker Kunstschule. Im Jahr 1997 zog er nach Dnipro. Seine active Ausstellungstätigkeit begann im Jahr 2001. Im Jahr 2002 fand seine erste Einzelausstellung im Dnipropetrowsker Kunstmuseum statt. Er ist regelmäßiger Teilnehmer an nationalen und regionalen Ausstellungen. Seine Werke befinden sich in privaten Sammlungen in der Ukraine und den GUS-Ländern. Tryndyk arbeitet im Bereich der Malerei und lebt in Dnipro. Seine Gemälde sprechen diejenigen an, die die Schönheit von Gedanken und Gefühlen genießen möchten, über das Planetare und Zelluläre, das Ewige und Momentane nachdenken und sich mit den faszinierenden Prozessen von Analyse und Synthese beschäftigen möchten. Sie repräsentieren das Kaleidoskop der dekorativen Malerei, in dem die Elemente entweder miteinander konkurrieren oder harmonieren, sich in ihrer Farbigkeit entfalten oder dunkler und intensiver werden und in der musikalischen Komposition einen leisen Klang finden. Gleichzeitig werden Tryndyks Gemälde diejenigen erfreuen, die das Leben freudig und unkompliziert angehen. Mit ihren lebendigen Farben und der Fähigkeit, jede Einrichtung zum Leben zu erwecken, verändern sie sich leicht und subtil mit unterschiedlicher Beleuchtung und bereiten jeden Tag allen Freude, ohne mehr zu beanspruchen.

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