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Strona głównaCentrum pomocyCzęsto zadawane pytania → Placement of an order by the buyer

Placement of an order by the buyer

Ten tekst został przetłumaczony za pomocą oprogramowania do tłumaczenia maszynowego.
Tekst oryginalny w języku angielskim >
Please note that now, Jose Art Gallery is conducting Beta testing of the platform. As such, it is currently not possible to purchase a work of art through Jose Art Gallery.

After the buyer clicks the “Buy” button, fills in all the fields and confirms the order, you will receive a notification with the name of the artwork they wish to purchase. Further, in the shortest possible time, our employee will contact you to clarify the availability of work and provide instructions on further actions.

If the buyer offers you to directly buy the artwork, in this case, the entire responsibility for the transaction lies entirely with you and the buyer.
In such circumstances, Jose Art Gallery does not guarantee the completion of the transaction and does not bear any responsibility.

Our rules do not prohibit such actions, however, you should be aware of the possible risks of fraud. Read more about risks here.