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Художник Eva Lazaryan

Eva Lazaryan

Художник, Армения

41 подписчик·61 подписка

О художнике Eva Lazaryan

I have been painting since childhood. From the beginning I painted portraits with a pencil on paper from my imagination, although there were attempts to paint from life. I am a self-taught artist. After forty, when the children grew up a little, and I had a little time for myself, there was a strong need to work with color and I began to paint oil paintings on canvas. From the beginning there were landscapes. Then I fell in love with “His Majesty”, the sea... LINKS

Краткое содержание
  • Участник сообщества с 31 октября 2023 года
  • Вид искусства:Живопись
  • Открыт к сотрудничеству с кураторами и галереями
The road to yourself is life-long!


Studied piano at a music school. Specialty: teacher of children's music schools, accompanist.

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