Художник Анна Бурковская

Анна Бурковская

Художник, Норвегия

3 подписчик·0 подписка

О художнике Анна Бурковская

◽Anna creates in a very interesting and peculiar manner. ◽ In her paintings, abstract and figurative style is mixed. ◽ She loves rich deep colors. ◽In general, her paintings are very unusual, sometimes with a deep philosophical meaning. ◽Sometimes in her paintings seemingly incompatible things are combined. ◽Anna is inspired by nature, animals, relationships between people. ◽She believes that art should help people, motivate them for new achievements, inspire and even heal. ◽She also plans to create beautiful women's clothing with painting elements. ◽Anna dreams that her paintings will be seen by people all over the world.

Краткое содержание
  • Участник сообщества с 06 января 2022 года
  • Вид искусства:Живопись


◽Exhibitions and competitions: August 2020 - Participation in the competition "Mustache Dali" September 2021 - Participation in the London exhibition "Icon"


◽She was born in July 1983 in the city of Makeevka. ◽In 2005 she graduated from the Faculty of Architecture.

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