Artista Venera Khayrullina

Venera Khayrullina

Artista, Uzbequistão

24 subscritor·93 subscrição

Sobre o artista Venera Khayrullina

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Khairullina Venera Akhatovna (VeraKhay) was born in Uzbekistan on November 22, 1975 in the family of a teacher and a driver. Since childhood, she was fond of creative ideas, but due to the lack of additional funds, she could not go to school. After there was an unsuccessful marriage, then military service. She is now retired and doing what she loves. visits museums and exhibitions for inspiration, was in the Louvre Abu Dhabi, drawing, but at first it was a hobby, a childhood dream come true. Now the hobby has grown into something more, I want to write and paint pictures. As you know, in order to continue to create art, you need money, so now she sells paintings, buys paints with her money. She prepares the canvases herself. He also wants to develop his brand. He is a member of the artistic group Gulkam at the Palace of Culture of Chemists in the city of Chirchik. I plan to create a new group only from artists, both professional and self-taught, register it, and travel to other countries to exchange cultural and artistic experience. Now a fund of paintings is being created, with which my team and I dream of going around the world with our exhibition.

  • Membro da comunidade desde 05 janeiro 2023
  • Tipo de arte:Pintura


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2022 Exposição "Golden Autumn" Chirchik, região de Tashkent, Uzbequistão. 2022 Pastelo III GNBU Tashkent, Uzbequistão. Motivo de inverno de 2023, Chirchik Uzbequistão.


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secundária especializada, faculdade pedagógica/2 Samarkand. Eu sou um artista autodidata.

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