Картина «Duo Leap: Subconscious Depths»,  D.Zhu
Картина «Duo Leap: Subconscious Depths»,  D.Zhu
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Duo Leap: Subconscious Depths

Оригинальная картина, 100×100 см, 2020
38 898 $USD
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Характеристики картины «Duo Leap: Subconscious Depths»

Год создания2020
Габариты100 Ш × 100 В × 2,5 Г   cm
Вид искусстваживопись
Стильсовременное искусство
Материалыакрил, холст
Способ упаковкикартонная упаковка
Ключевые слова
модапортретсексуальныйделатькомикслицомодельмаскаледичувственныйчеловексюрреализмпоп артЯпонияженскийкомиксырыбакойфишазиатское искусствообразныйпортрет

Описание работы «Duo Leap: Subconscious Depths»

This contemporary art piece, created in 2020, showcases a vivid portrayal of transformation with its figurative and surrealistic style. The Japanese koi fish, central to the work, symbolizes the journey of spiritual growth and the fears that accompany it. This painting is rendered in a style that bridges Asian and modern aesthetics, making it an ideal addition to contemporary and modern spaces that appreciate diverse cultural art.

Работа в интерьере

О художнике

D.Zhu, Китай

D.Zhu 朱朱 is a Ukrainian contemporary artist, who has exhibited her works in numerous events in Asia and Europe. Continuous learning and discovering depths of her soul are intrinsic elements in her artistic expression. Ironic and symbolic self - portraits reflect her state of mind and attitudes towards outer world. Her vibrant figurative, semi-surrealistic and expressionistic artworks reveal a versatile talent and different perspectives of contemporary figurative art. D.Zhu started drawing when she was 3 years old, and refused to go study in art academy. She wanted to explore art talent by herself, even it could take years. Over 10 years she drew realistic portraits and some expressive oil portraits. Only in the beginning of 2020 she made decision to create own style through a self-portrait imaginable characters.

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