Serhii Brylov "Lion", plasticine, H-22 cm. Lion (lat. Panthera leo) is a species of predatory mammal, one of the five representatives of the genus Panthera, which belongs to the subfamily of big cats (Pantherinae) of the cat family (Felidae). Lions are carnivorous mammals and live in family groups, so-called prides. A pride consists of one to three males, several sexually mature females and lion cubs. Females hunt for the pride, and males protect the territory. The lion is called the "king of beasts." He is a traditional symbol of courage and power, embodying the power of the Sun and fire. In heraldry, the lion symbolizes royal dignity and nobility. In Scythian mythology, there is a griffin, that is, a lion with wings. In Egyptian, it is a symbol of divine power and royal dignity. "Stand like lions, for each other and hold on," advises the author of Veles's book. The name Leo bears one zodiacal constellation. The radiant of the Leonid meteor shower is also located in this constellation, which can be observed on November 17-18 and make a wish. In early Christian art, the lion symbolized the evangelist Mark, Saint Jerome, and even Jesus Christ himself.Лев (лат. Panthera leo) — вид хижих ссавців, один із п'яти представників роду Panthera, що належить до підродини великих котячих (Pantherinae) сімейства котячих (Felidae). Continuation of work on the sculpture.
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