PrincipalCentro de ajuda → Direitos autorais

Direitos autorais

It is usually difficult for users to understand the copyright protection policy. We hope that this information will help you better understand your rights and responsibilities, as well as our copyright policy, whether you are an author who has received a notice of copyright infringement or a copyright owner who wishes to send such a claim.

Jose Art Gallery Copyright Infringement Policy
Jose Art Gallery does not have the authority to make legal decisions regarding claims of copyright infringement. Our policy is to monitor users’ compliance with applicable laws and the Community Terms and Conditions when using our services on this platform. We act as an “intermediary”, handling reports of alleged copyright infringement and counter-reports.
In the event of a copyright infringement by a user, if such information becomes known to us, we will remove such user content. If a user is identified by the service as a “repeat infringer” of copyright, we will terminate the user’s access to the platform by deleting his/her account.
In deciding whether a user is a repeat infringer, we take into account proper notices of alleged infringements, counter-reports, denials of complaints, and other circumstances.
Jose Art Gallery may also request additional information as it deems necessary in order for the Copyright Infringement Policy to be applied fairly.
In the event that there is an enforceable court decision that a user is an “offender” or “repeat offender” on our platform, we will treat that decision as final in accordance with our Copyright Infringement Policy.

Copyright Infringement Notice

If you are the copyright owner or are authorized to act on behalf of the owner, please notify us in case of copyright infringement on the platform by sending an email to our email address
Jose Art Gallery respects the intellectual property rights of all users of the platform and expects the same from you!