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Figurativismo Natureza-morta Pintura "Dandelions #3" pintor Lena Smirnova acrilo papelão
Pintura «Dandelions #3», Lena Smirnova - Jose Art Gallery
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Dandelions #3

Lena SmirnovaDinamarca
Obras de arte originais, 32×42 cm, 2021
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Características da Pintura “Dandelions #3”

Ano de criação2021
Dimensões32 L × 42 A × 1 P   cm
Tipos de artepintura
Materiaisacrilo, papelão
Enquadramentoa arte é vendida com moldura
Método de embalagemEmbalagem de papelão
Palavras chave
dentes de leãodente de leãoconversarsapatohumorhumorramalheteesportenatureza mortaengraçado

Descrição da obra “Dandelions #3”

A bunch of dandelions for you. Temporary - just one puff, and they gone. And still eternal - they will steadily resurrect each year. Linen canvas on board. Varnish, fine acrylics and a dash of humor. Framed in an elegant new wooden frame. Ready to hang.

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Sobre o artista
Lena Smirnova

Lena Smirnova, Dinamarca

I paint therefore I am. I believe that art should be provocative. Things are not what they seem they are - this is a major motto in my works. I take my art seriously but I do not take myself seriously in art. When an onlooker smiles looking at one of my large canvasses or at a small caricature on paper, then I know that the goal is achieved: Yes - one more smile in the world! I am represented by two art galleries in Denmark, and usually exhibit at annual art festivals 2-3 times a year.

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