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Figurativismo Natureza-morta Pintura "Breakfast of champions" pintor Lena Smirnova acrilo papelão
Pintura «Breakfast of champions», Lena Smirnova
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Breakfast of champions - painting

Breakfast of champions

Lena SmirnovaDinamarca
Obras de arte originais, 32×23 cm, 2022
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Características da Pintura “Breakfast of champions”

Ano de criação2022
Dimensões32 L × 23 A × 1 P   cm
Tipos de artepintura
Materiaisacrilo, papelão
Enquadramentoa arte é vendida com moldura
Método de embalagemEmbalagem de papelão
Palavras chave
cavalinhapeixecomidacafé da manhãhumorhumorjornalcebolacebolinhanotíciascampeãolegal

Descrição da obra “Breakfast of champions”

In 'Breakfast of champions', Lena Smirnova offers a tongue-in-cheek homage to the daily ritual of breakfast, while playfully nodding to literary giant Kurt Vonnegut. Rich acrylics mingle with the texture of antique newspaper, capturing an echo of the past amidst a contemporary still-life. The painting's humor is matched by its craftsmanship, each stroke and collage piece forming an allegory of sustenance and stories. This artwork, with its golden frame, lures onlookers into a world where food and wit are champions.

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Sobre o artista
Lena Smirnova

Lena Smirnova, Dinamarca

I paint therefore I am. I believe that art should be provocative. Things are not what they seem they are - this is a major motto in my works. I take my art seriously but I do not take myself seriously in art. When an onlooker smiles looking at one of my large canvasses or at a small caricature on paper, then I know that the goal is achieved: Yes - one more smile in the world! I am represented by two art galleries in Denmark, and usually exhibit at annual art festivals 2-3 times a year.

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