Artiste Katana


Nataliia Filatova

Artiste, Allemagne

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À propos de l'artiste Katana

Natalia Filatova is an artist of Ukrainian origin.She is not new to art.In her homeland more than twenty years she created costumes and masks for the stage, among her clients were famous performers of show business, singers and models. Now she is living in Germany, there she began to paint her paintings. Her inspiration is psychology. Her works reflect very peculiarly the depth and essence of the human soul, his spiritual development. Her painting leads to the world of fantasy, subconsciousness and internal contradictions.This weird world is beautiful and merciless, as it exposes all our imperfections, which is especially relevant now, when people are increasingly going into narcissism, hiding under beautiful and comfortable social masks of their true essence.It's a somewhat ironic look at modern society. Think about what an artist draws. Art is what the human soul demands. Not everything can be expressed in words. A painting is a moment of the artist's life frozen on the canvas, it is his naked feelings, it is the energy of creativity spilled out onto the canvas in the form of image and colour, it is something that will never be repeated. Natalia's authorial style is unique and immediately recognisable. Her work cannot be confused with anyone else's.

  • Membre de la communauté depuis 13 mars 2024
  • Ouvert aux commandes personnalisées
  • Ouvert à la collaboration avec les conservateurs et les galeries
The world is neither good nor bad, it's how we perceive it that matters.


Ausstelung 19.Mai - 18.Juni 2023, Dresden GALERIE HOLGER JOHN


Higher education, but not related to art. Self-taught artist.

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