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Artista Nora


Artista, Dinamarca

29 suscriptor·5 suscripción

Acerca del Artista Nora

I was born in a small Ukrainian town in 1971. I have never been taught art. But I draw and paint every moment of my life. As a child, I lived in a house with lots of animals and observed their behavior. I learned to portray the emotions and movements of pets on her own since there was no art school in the town. Fleeing the war, I appeared in Denmark where I am based now. With my brush, I research emotions with the aim of opposing and finding common ground between human and animal psychology. In my works, I strive to awaken empathy and pay tribute to animals that fill our lives with devotion and love, and inspire us with their natural beauty. I speak for those who cannot speak for themselves.

  • Miembro de la comunidad desde 10 noviembre 2022
  • tipo de bellas artes:Pintura
  • Abierto a recibir pedidos personalizados
  • Abierto a la colaboración con curadores y galerías
The artists are the eyes of mankind


2023 Bazel 2.0 Artbox Projects, Bazel, Switzerland 2022 From Ukraine with Love exhibition, Gallerie Lorien, Copenhagen, Denmark 2021 ITSLIQUID International Art Fair, The Room Art Space, Venice, Italy 2021 Artbox Projects World 1.0, Artbox Gallery Projects, Switzerland 2021 Golden Time Talent, International online contest, 24 season 2020 Artbox Projects Zurich, 2.0, SwissartExpo, Zurich, Switzerland 2019 Artbox Project Miami 2.0, ArtBasel Artweeks, Swirzerland 2019 "Modern Vanguard" International Contest, Artweeks in Italy, Sicilia 2017 “The Story of One Cup”, Art-Donbass Gallery, Donetsk, Ukraine 2016 “Animal World”, Art-Donbass Gallery, Donetsk, Ukraine



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