Artist Halyna Morar

Halyna Morar

Galina Morar

Artist from Ukraine

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About the artist Halyna Morar

Halyna Morar, born in 1986, is an artist and a disciple of Alexey Malikh's "Studio on the 13th Floor." She is a veteran of the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) and a participant in combat operations as part of the voluntary battalion of the National Guard (Kulchytsky Battalion). Additionally, she is a former journalist, volunteer, and previously held the rank of senior lieutenant in the police force. Morar's artworks are infused with the traditions of the Ukrainian people and the symbolism of wartime, gaining incredible relevance with the onset of full-scale Russian aggression in Ukraine in February 2022. They forecast a very difficult and somber Victory of Ukraine over the enemy and the division within the current world order.

  • Community member since April 6th, 2024
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Even if you are an artist - Act in a way that you won't be ashamed when your descendants ask what you did during the country's toughest times. Especially if you are an artist!


Her first solo exhibition took place at the NATO Representation in Kyiv in October 2021, ahead of the Defender's Day of Ukraine. During this exhibition, she presented a series of paintings depicting traditional Ukrainian dolls, "Faith. Hope. Love, and... Victory." In January 2022, her paintings were exhibited at the YARMIZ Veterans Center in Kyiv, and a showcase at an art cafe near the Golden Gates was planned for March 5, 2022. However, the full-scale war in Ukraine obstructed this event. With the beginning of full-scale war in Ukraine, she began collaborating with the reputable Ukrainian online resource Censor.NET, conducting video interviews with frontline Ukrainian soldiers as part of the project "Faith, Hope, Love, and..." through the eyes of Ukrainian defenders. «Віра, Надія, Любов та… » очима захисників України. Additionally, with the start of full-scale war, one of Morar's works, "Motanka vs Matryoshka," became a symbol of the all-Ukrainian flash mob "Motanka of Freedom." «Мотанка Свободи» Morar is the organizer and head of the "Creative Workshop," which was active throughout 2023 based on the NGO "Post-Service Foundation," which she also led at that time. Currently, she has been released and is engaged in individual projects and clusters. She is also working on a series of works titled "Earth," which includes paintings executed in the technique of levkas with inclusions of soil from various regions of Ukraine where combat operations are taking place. Together with volunteers, veterans, and family members of servicemen, they paint cartridges for auctions in support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Starting next month, she plans to resume artistic meetings, where each participant will create their own painting.


School of Arts named after Mihai Munkachi, Private art studios (Olexii Malykh, Yaroslav Ternovskyi, Yaroslav Ponomarenko). Master of Philology, Master of Law.

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