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Фігуративізм Портрет Живопис "On the Edge of Vulnerability", живописець Alexander Aksyonov акрил холст
Картина «On the Edge of Vulnerability»,  Alexander Aksyonov
On the Edge of Vulnerability — купити
On the Edge of Vulnerability — painting
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On the Edge of Vulnerability

Alexander AksyonovУкраїна
Оригінальна картина, 45×60 см, 2024
52 950 ₴UAH
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Безпечні методи оплати: карта, банк
Безкоштовне повернення 14 днів
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Характеристики картини «On the Edge of Vulnerability»

Рік створення2024
Габарити45 Ш × 60 В × 1,8 Г   cm
Вид мистецтваживопис
Матеріалиакрил, холст
Спосіб упаковкикартонна упаковка
Ключові слова
модисексуальнамодельпривабливийЛедіДорослийЧуттєвийпозуєлюдиОбразотворче мистецтвоПортретиМалюванняВуличне мистецтвоМистецтво графітіПоп-артАбстрактний живописМінімалізмсимволізмЗмішана технікаРожевийЧервонийчорнийЗеленийБірюзовийТіло людини

Опис роботи «On the Edge of Vulnerability»

The painting titled "On the Edge of Vulnerability" captures a figure curled up in a position that conveys deep introspection and fragility. With their head resting on folded arms and knees pulled close, the figure appears to retreat into their own world, embodying an intimate moment of vulnerability. The muted color palette, with stark contrasts of dark blues, soft flesh tones, and streaks of red, enhances the emotional weight of the piece. The abstract elements surrounding the figure add a layer of complexity, symbolizing the fragmented thoughts and emotions at play. This work powerfully portrays human fragility and inner turmoil. . Original work created by Alexander Aksyonov. The dimensions of the painting are W18 x H24 x D0.7 inches. High quality acrylic paints used, Light matte varnish protection applied.

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Про художника
Alexander Aksyonov

Alexander Aksyonov, Україна

A professional artistr. His first solo exhibition took place in 1979, where his series of stained glass windows in the student club in Kharkov was presented. He participated in collective exhibitions of artists, competitions, is represented in permanent and personal expositions. He has been a freelance artist since 1991 Alexander has achievements in invention, music, choreography, sports. In 2017 he was the champion of Ukraine in ballroom dancing. Believes that the dance theme is underrepresented in the visual arts. Therefore, in his works often pays attention to dancers, their beauty of spirit and imagination, the beauty of the moment lived in the dance. The artist strives to evoke positive emotions by talking about various life situations using various mediums such as oil, acrylic, watercolor, ink, pigments, pastels, cement, glass and more. His works center on the woman as a dancer, as the main character in depictions of love, anticipation, passion, pain, abandonment, desire and perversion. Alexander defines his works as born out of chaos, confusion and characterized by strong lines, fast, unfinished, scratchy. These intentional designs are meant to attune the viewer to hope, faith in the good and the process of creation. He attempts to convey the artist's own emotions and even human nature, not by conveying the exact image of the object, not by emphasizing the ugly, but by addressing the ambiguous boundary between perfection and incompleteness, emphasizing and directing the viewer's feelings towards the delight of striving for the beautiful

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