Рік створення | 2024 |
Габарити | 60 Ш × 70 В × 2 Г cm |
Вид мистецтва | живопис |
Стиль | сюрреалізм |
Жанр | міфологічний |
Матеріали | масло, холст |
Спосіб упаковки | картонна упаковка |
Цей твір, створений у 2024 році, представляє захоплюючу істоту, відому як Нюхач, винахід, який майстерно поєднує елементи стімпанку та сюрреалізму в міфічному жанрі. Нюхач копається в землі, шукаючи підземні делікатеси з дизайном, який викликає думки як про магічний реалізм, так і про апокаліптичні бачення. Ця робота розміром 60 × 70 × 2 см служить не лише ілюстрацією, але й порталом у світ, де фантазія та реальність розмиваються.
My name is Ed Schaap, I was born in Sittard, Limburg, Netherlands in 1965. As a child, I already showed a penchant for fantasy and science fiction movies and series that were shown on television at the time. Especially around the time movies like Star Wars and Alien came out, I was fascinated and fascinated by this unknown world. As for the art that I create, I have to say that I have been influenced and inspired by certain artists and concept artists, but over time I have found my own way. The works that I create are, as a rule, subjects from history, myths and legends, as well as things from everyday life. I give my own vision. In the beginning I used an airbrush. At a certain point, I started to miss a few things in my work. While experimenting with the combination of brush and airbrush, I realized that the painterly effect of brushwork was the missing element in my work. With these two components together in my recent work I find the result satisfactory. Despite this result, I also started painting with oils. Here a completely new world opened up for me, for example, the colors obtained with oil paint are almost impossible to create with acrylic paint.